What is the difference between a Bug and a Defect?

Questions by junejacz   answers by junejacz

Showing Answers 1 - 75 of 101 Answers


  • Oct 21st, 2005

Bug- Conformed defected is called bug. It is said to be bug only at developer place.

Defect- Any Functionality is wrong then it is said to be defect by testers. It turns to bug in developers place 

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  • Oct 22nd, 2005

defect is found by customer.

Deepak Sharma

  • Oct 24th, 2005

Sir please send me all the objective (Interviews Question on my site i am waiting for for anwsers)in C, C++,Java core, Advance Java

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  • Oct 26th, 2005

bug comes after completing the project

defect comes at developing time

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  • Nov 6th, 2005

BUG :It is a fault in a program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner. bug is a terminology which is used by Test EngineersDefect :Nonconformance to requirements or functional / program specificationdefect is a terminology which is used by Test Engineers

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  • Nov 7th, 2005

BUG :It is a fault in a program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner.

 bug is a terminology which is used by Test engineers

Defect :Nonconformance to requirements or functional / program specification

defect is a terminology which is used by programmers

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  • Nov 15th, 2005

Defect: Missing requirements is called defect.

Bug:Dis satisfaction of the requirements.

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  • Nov 25th, 2005

Error:Which comes at the time of developement

Bug:Which comes at the time of testing(Pre-Release)

Defect:Which comes in Production or when client doing the system testing(Post-Release)

ragunathen Wrote:

Defect: Missing requirements is called defect.

Bug:Dis satisfaction of the requirements.

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  • Dec 8th, 2005

When tester verify the test cases, All failed test cases are recorded as bugs directed for necessary action and recoded in defects reports. As a testing point of view all fail test cases are defects as well as found bugs. While development point of view if product doesn't meet the SRS or any feature that is to be required, it is defects in that system. Who found this feature is not meeting his or her requirement, he  or she call it is bug in that product.      Mukesh Chauhan  Banaglore          

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  • Dec 15th, 2005

When tester verify the test cases, All failed?test cases are?recorded?as bugs directed for necessary action?and recorded in defects reports. As a testing point of view all fail test cases are defects as well as found bugs. While development point of view if product doesn't meet the software requiremnt specification or any other feature that is to be required,?it is defect in that system. Who found this feature is not meeting his or her?requirement,?he? or she call it is bug in that product.????? Mukesh Chauhan? Banaglore ?????????

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  • Jan 10th, 2006

Bug: Software is said to have bug if it features deviates from specifications.

Defect: Software is said to have Defect,if it has unwanted side effects.

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  • Jan 12th, 2006

Im gonna throw some light on the differences which I know:

Error:  If there is any mismatch in coding which was developed by the software developer then it is called Error.

Defect: If that mismatch is found by Test Engineer then it is called a Defect.

Bug: If the defect is sent to the developers and they accept it to resolve then it is called Bug.

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  • Jan 14th, 2006

that was really nice answer.

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Amit tyagi

  • Jan 23rd, 2006

defect is not found by customer,   Defect is introduced in the Software due to the result of the Error.

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suraiah Are,QA Engineer

  • Jan 23rd, 2006

Defect: Deviation from the Requirement is known as "Defect".

Bug: A Perticuler  defect is Cnfirmed by the developers is known as     "Bug"

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Anil G

  • Feb 22nd, 2006

In General testing terminolgy a Bug is mismatch found in the result by the tester between the expected and the actual and it is called a defect when the developer accepts it as a bug.

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  • Feb 24th, 2006

Bug:- Bug is a fault of an apllication ,

defect:- fault of an specific one.

that means some companies called BUG and some companies called defect

as my exp wise both is similler.

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hima Bindu

  • Apr 25th, 2006

Bug: It is a mismatch between the expected value and the actual value(expected is what the requirement specified in the SRS,actual is the result that we get while axecuting the application)Bug is raised by the testerDefect: the developers accept the bugs raised by the testers interms of defects not as bugs.

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kumar surapaneni

  • May 25th, 2006

Bug : In Computer Technology ,a bug is a Coding error on a computer programme.

Defect : non-conformance of software to its requirements.

Error : A mental mistake made by a programmer that may result in a Programm Fault .

A bug, defect, error, are all examples of a Failure.

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  • May 30th, 2006

 Bug is before product goes into production.

 Defect is after product goes into production.

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  • Jun 1st, 2006

both are same

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  • Jun 21st, 2006

error---> a mistake in code is error , due to errors in codingdefect-------> test engineers getting mismatches in application build are defects .BUG------> if the defects are accepted by developers to be solved then it is bug

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goutam sharma

  • Jun 22nd, 2006

Can anyone plz tell me what is the difference between an error and a bug?

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  • Aug 4th, 2006

Error : Is an undesirable deviation from requirements

Bug : Is an error found BEFORE the application goes into production

Defect :Is an error found AFTER the application goes into production

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  • Sep 19th, 2006

A mistake in code is called error.. If test engineer found this mistake it is defect. If developer accepts this defect then it is know as bug.

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  • Sep 23rd, 2006

     Bug : A fault in a program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner.

Defect: Nonconformance to requirements or functional / program specification

sudhakar kolla.

My Email:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.

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  • Sep 28th, 2006

Defect: .Nonconformance to requirements or functional / program specificationBug:...An error or defect in software or hardware that causes a program to malfunction. Often a bug is caused by conflicts in software when applications try to run in tandem. According to folklore, the first computer

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  • Sep 28th, 2006

Bug: An error or defect in software or hardware that causes a program to malfunction. Often a bug is caused by conflicts in software when applications try to run in tandem. According to folklore, the first computer bug was an actual bug. Discovered in 1945 at Harvard, a moth trapped between two electrical relays of the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator caused the whole machine to shut down.Defect: Nonconformance to requirements or functional / program specification

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In software testing, the difference between bug and defect is small, and also depends on the end client. For some clients, bug and defect are synonymous, while others believe bugs are subsets of defects.

Difference #1 : In bug reports, the defects are easier to describe.

Difference #2 : In bug reports it is easier to write descriptions as to how to replicate defects. In other words, defects tend to require only brief explanations.

Commonality #1 : We, software test engineers, discover both bugs & defects.

Commonality #2 : We, software QA engineers, use the software much like real users would, to find both bugs and defects, to submit bug reports to the developers, i.e., tell them if they have achieved the desired level of quality.

Commonality #3 : We, software QA engineers, do not differentiate between bugs & defects. In our reports we include both bugs & defects that are the result of software testing,

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A bug is any unwanted thing occur in requirement.When a bug get its conditional envirment it become a defect.ex. there is spark plug missing in ur bike. Its Bug.Due to non avaliality of spark plug you can't start your bike, this is defect.

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Mayank Srivastava

  • Dec 12th, 2006

Bug is an error that comes before an application goes to production.

Defect is an error that comes after an application goes to production.

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  • Apr 14th, 2007

Bug is used by professionals
Defect is used by professionals(or)customers
if the product is not reach the requirements then it is Defect

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  • Apr 26th, 2007

Bug can be found by Tester and Defect can be found by User, who can use the real product.

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  • May 7th, 2007

BUG: Difference between the expected and actual result. while executing the test case if we find any difference in the expected and actual result is "BUG"

Error: After sucessfull complication of the testing we will hand over the project to client, client implements that application in the real environment (live environment) while using(end user) the application if end user gets any problem is called "error"

Bug:bugs in the company site.(reported tester or developer or business analyst etc)

Error: Bugs in the live environment(reported by end user)

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  • Jun 19th, 2007

A mistake in coding is called Error(mistake made by Developers).This mistake found by test Engineer during testing is called Defect or Issue. This Defect or isuue accepted by Developers to resolve is called Bug

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  • Jun 21st, 2007

Bug is the discrepancy between observed value and a expected value.

Defect is something that causes the s/w to behave in an inconsistent manner with the requirements or needs of customers.

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Sathya Priya

  • Aug 8th, 2007

Bug is a word used by the technical people, that is, in the pre-production environment.

Defect is a word used by the common people, that is, in the production environment.

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Gaurav Atri

  • Oct 7th, 2007

Bug:- When a tester Executing steps of a test cases finds something out of the way he calls it as a Bug in the application.

Defect : When Development Team Verifies that Bug and Fixes it they call is is a Defect



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  • Oct 18th, 2007

Remember the sequence

when any mistake found by the programmer then it is called Error --when this error found by the tester then that error called defects( might be user interface,might be functionality defect etc..) if this defect fix by the developer then that defect called BUG very simple know  

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  • Nov 6th, 2007

Bug , Defect and Fault are one and the same .

Human do knowingly or unknowingly mistake is known as an Error .. which when introduced into the system result into Bug, Defect or fault in the system. It is abnormal behaviour of the program .. software does what it is not suppose to do . or it does not do what it is suppose to do .. 
The end result after the intervention of the bug in the S/W result into the failure of the End Product that is at the Client side ... 

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  • Nov 6th, 2007

Hi everybody ..
this is Idris ...
Bug and Defect are 1 and the same... Human do mistake that can programmatic mistake knowingly or unknowingly that introduce ERROR.
This ERROR when enters the system causes BUG , DEFECT or FAULT. this is at the system level .
The BUG , DEFECT causes system to behave anonymously . It will cause a deviation in the actual result to the expected result.
After the intervention of the bug into the system it will cause the FAILURE of the end product.

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  • Dec 2nd, 2007

defect is a flaw in the system or the component that causes the system or the component fail to produce its required function
bug is the varaince b/w the expected and obtained result

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  • Apr 22nd, 2008

Bug : Whenever, a Tester found any Problem with the Software, that is called Bug.

Defect: Whenver, Client found any Problem with the Software, that is called Defect

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BUG: which is found during testing process and will get fix before release if not due to complexity or uncleared requirement will be taken up in further releases and same will be communicated to customer.

Defect : which is found at customer site which could have been found and fixed during testing but that issue again occure.

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A bug is the one which is present in the application and can be fixed whereas a defect is the one present in the application but cannot be fixed.

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Defect will arise under testing or development environment and is discovered by the tester or developer.
Bug will arise under production environment and is discovered by the enduser.

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mohamed answer ..

  • Jun 6th, 2012

dude dont copy from the book .. please think ur self ... bug means it is finding faults in a software program or we do in some program , the program will be mistake or error in program . it is called bugs .

defect means failure model . the customer does not like the product .

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Surya Murthy

  • Jun 18th, 2012

Bug: When a tester find out, then tester will be saying it as Bug.
Defect : When developer accepts that bug then they will call it as Defect.

Error: When developer commits any logical. syntax errors in the coding then it is called as Error.

Failure: When any issue find out by the client and company accepting it then it is called as Failure.

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  • Jun 29th, 2012

I am not satisfy with above definition . As I have knowledge "Bug" : when we execute a set of inputs and product does not behave as per the requirement that is call bug . "Defect" : Deviation between the expected out out and in actual out put is know as defect .

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satish putta

  • Mar 29th, 2013

Bug means tester identify the defects but that defect developers are accepted is calling bug (or) when the software released in the market customer identify the defects its also calling Bug.

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  • Nov 26th, 2013

Defect: when a tester found deviation from the expected result to the actual result ,that is called defect.

Bug:When that defect is accepted by the developer,then that defect will be a bug.

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  • Jul 23rd, 2014

Defect means: Expected behavior is not matching with the actual result of that software is called defect. In other words deviation from customer expectations is called Defect
Bug: Tester while doing the testing if he found any defect then he will raise. If that raised defect accepted by the developer called Bug

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  • Sep 3rd, 2014

Defect means deviation from requirement and specification
bug means informal name of defect

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  • Dec 16th, 2014

Bug: diff. between actual result and expected result.Bugs always developer side not client side.

Defect: Client or user side bug always called defect.when application is not running according to user requirements is called defects.

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  • Dec 26th, 2014

If a feature is not working according to the requirement is called a defect.Bug is a name given to the defect.

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Dharmesh Patil

  • Feb 4th, 2015

A mistake in coding is called error ,error found by tester is called defect, defect accepted by development team then it is called bug ,build does not meet the requirements then it Is failure.

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  • Apr 21st, 2015

Both are same. it depends on the organization to use the testing terminology.

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  • May 26th, 2015

1. Error found while doing testing is called bug(in testing term)
2. Bug reported by testers to developers is called defect(in development term)
ultimately both are same.

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  • Jul 24th, 2015

Error from coding is bug and Defect is deviation from the requirement.

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  • Sep 30th, 2015

Problem identified in coding while testing is DEFECT
Defect accepted by the developer is termed as BUG

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venkat reddy gopu

  • Jun 19th, 2017

The Error Which is found by Tester is Called Defect.
Defect Accepted by Development Team is Called Bug.

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Piyush Patwa

  • Nov 15th, 2017

Bug: Flaw in system deviating from expected behavior.(Flaw In the whole system)
Defect: A flaw in a component or system that can cause the component or system to fail to perform its required function.(Flaw in a Componenet)

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