How we can explain a bug which may arrive at the time of tesing. explain that bugs in details.

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  • Nov 17th, 2005

Firstly i will contact to TL ..after confirmation from him i will forward this bug to Concerned Developer.....

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  • Nov 27th, 2005

First we need to clarify whether it is bug r not so we'll contact our TL then after getting the clarification we'll proceed for .....

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If we know the flow and functionality of the application and during testing i found a bug then i think there is no need to confirm to team lead  you can directly assign that bug to the TL and TL will forward that bug to a concern developer after discussion with you.

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  • Feb 13th, 2006

When you find any bug/defect while executing the script, ensure that the script is failed and the system/functionality is not working as per requirement document. Prepare a note that will explain how actual result is contradiction with expected result of failed script also give the details such as environment, test data etc.

This will help developers to understand the defect correctly.

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  • Feb 16th, 2006

Explaining a BUG is an ART for a TESTER... has lot of things inside

From my learning...I do this!

1. Moment you get the bug, just double check in the bug DB for duplicates. I mean from the earlier build, it might've been uncovered and recorded as a bug and the release manager might've decided to fix it in later builds.

2. Not there in DB, then analyse the bug for confirmation. If you are strongly recomand that as a bug, you can proceed OR please reconfirm with peers

3. Still BUG? So, go ahead use the Bug Tracking database (if any) or use the excel bug reporting format (whatever you have) But, tell everything clear.

a. Bug Title, Bug Description, The setup you have to reproced, the Priority, Impact

b. H/W and S/W used

c. Screen shots, Log file (if any), SQL Qurey statements...If possible record the entire steps in a movie file and send the clip!!!


  • Mar 23rd, 2006

Justin has given right Justification.

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  • Apr 7th, 2006

first we will discuess with TL is it one is bug or not.aftre send that to developer.after fixed that bug we can do regression testing.In this tim ei wnat to explain one more thing,tester will report a bug but developre can't accept this one is not a bug.In this situation tester will give four way of apporach.1.Detailed description2.Attach screen shorts3.Explai through TL4.otherwise go and combaine with developer,run the give module,when bug will be raise.

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Whenever a tester finds a bug his first task is to isolate the Bug. Then see if the bug is reproducible or not. Then prepare a bug report describing the exact steps to followed so that the bug is reproduced. Report the bug to bug tracking system which may be differ from company to company. You may directly report the bug to the developer also. Reply jainbrijeshg @ gmail . com . Brijesh Jain (Delhi)

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Reviewed the bug once to confirm and logged the bug in the Bug Tracking tool with the status as Opened. If still the confustion is there in the bug, consult the same bug with TL and get reproduce. The found bug is described in the Bug Description section.

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Explain a bug by doing the following:

1) Verify the defect isn't already known and entered in the defect tracking database

2) If you have any questions about it, ask other member of the group for their opinion

3) If you are sure it is a valid defect, then write a defect report

4) Make sure you include the following details in your defect report:

a) defect id
b) test case reference 
c) priority and severity
d) submitted by
e) brief title
f) environment details
g) description of the issue
h) steps to reproduce the issue
i) expected results
j) actual results
k) a way to include supporting documentation like screen shots

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