What is the process to follow between writing the test cases & then automating it?

Questions by gardekp   answers by gardekp

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Feb 23rd, 2007

Writing the test case means its a manual process and we can't automate all the test cases, so we need to identify the test cases which are to be automated.

generating the scripts for the identified test cases is nothing but automating the test cases.


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For automing any test case, first thing is to write a test case , then write the script or  generate the test script. Only then the test can be automated.

Test case defines the procedure from where to start and where to end accordingly the script is written, and then automated.

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  • Mar 13th, 2007

Generally Writing a testcase is the manual process from given requirement and selecting the right testcase for Automation and automating the testcase.

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  • Mar 15th, 2007

generally test cases are designed and run in the first cycle of the testing.
then only, in the following cycles you can automate the testcases that are manually tested atleast once.
for automating the process, first you have to decide which test cases are to be automated.  in common, test cases that are written for high priority requirements are automated. because you have to make sure that the functionality that are related to high priority requirements should not be disturbed when new functionality is added in the following cycles.

so first identify the test cases that are related to high priority requirements, then decide whether they can be automated or not. if they can be automated then,
create a folder structure that can organize your testing docs and activities.
create folders for your repository,results,scripts,recovery scenario,docs,log files etc,
then plan, in which environment the scripts should be run, on which machines, which test suite ......
for creating repository,
navigate through your application by using the tool that u r  using by taking the steps in the testcase.
this will add objects of the application that are related to your business cases.
save this repository.

create the result file, like which fileds should be there in your results file.

then create the business functions, or test scripts as per your requirement.

then execute the tests and instruct the tests to save the results in the created results sheet.

this much i can tell you.

hope this will help you

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