How must the project manager react under pressured projects?

Questions by norman   answers by norman

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Feb 10th, 2007

A project manager has to handle such projects with greater technical understanding. Instead of forcing the deadlines to the team , he has to device a proper plan of action by dates as per the available resources. He should request for more resources in case of requirements. He has to prepare a consummate plant of action by date and should drive the team towards the goal. Every project is a pressurized one in the manager's world.

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With patience and calm.
With these two qualities, a project manager will be able to see the causes for the pressure clearly, and find effective ways to either remedy or deflect the pressure.

A big no is to transfer that pressure to the worker-bees - the team that is actually executing the tasks.

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The PM should act as a shock absorber and remain composed always and especially during pressured situations. Passing the business pressure onto the project execution team may have adverse effects and the team may deliver less when under pressure than in a normal situation. Hence a PM sould remain composed and think of how to overcome the situation and bring it under control.

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