In what percentage or ratio must a project manager possess technical and managerial skills?

Questions by janelyn   answers by janelyn

Showing Answers 1 - 16 of 16 Answers


  • Feb 21st, 2007

This need not be mandatory. A manager can me more of a technical person with comparitively less domain knowledge. Some can have more domain knowledge and managerial skill and less of technical knowledge. So there need not be any hard and fast rule for the ratio.

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  • Oct 22nd, 2007

In my own opinion, having technical know-how, although nice, may serve as a distraction from the main tasks of a Project Manager. A Project Manager must therefore detach his/herself form the technicability and remain focused on the reason he/she is being paid which is to deliver deliverable on-time and within budget. If he/she is concerned about the Technical know-how of the persons carrying out the task, he should address that by replacing or, if time permits, retraining individual(s). Whichever way, he should consider the two restraints, time and budget.


  • Oct 22nd, 2007

Having technical know-how, although nice, may serve as a distraction from the main tasks of a Project Manager. A Project Manager must therefore detach his/herself form the technicability and remain focused on the reason he/she is being paid which is to deliver deliverable on-time and within budget. If he/she is concerned about the Technical know-how of the persons carrying out the task, he should address that by replacing or, if time permits, retraining individual(s). Whichever way, he should consider the two restraints, time and budget.

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There are no hard and fast rules regarding the ratio of technical to managerial skills. Any PM should have a good balance in three functional areas - business management, technology and behaviour.

The important point to note here is that any PM should have a clear and unambiguous understanding of his/her roles and responsibilities and know the boundaries of the job and not step on anyone else's shoes.

As a PMP myself, I believe that a good foundation of technical skills is a mandate for any manager. The PMI also recommends that the best and most effective form of power a person could weild in any organization is 'Expert power', which means that you are an expert in your knowledge area. For instance, if you are going to lead a team of engineers and if you are an recognized engineer in your field, then your team will trust and respect you and it would be easy for you to lead them.

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30:70   ..... The sucess of project manager is rated on timely compleation with in the planned budgets. o.k.  He should be more of an economic senced [ contineous monitar of expences against budgets to have perfect controll which is back bone to the project management ] and should posses the technical knowledge of the project be enable him  to decide on the technical capability of his team. 

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Samuel Arinze Okwuosa

  • Aug 6th, 2011

The percentage ratio of technical to managerial skills in project management ease 20% to 80%

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Anupam Sharma

  • Nov 22nd, 2011

PM should have conceputal awareness.

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Vijay Aditya

  • Apr 11th, 2012

It is difficult to rate by percentage or by ratio, PM should have knowledge at macro level in all technical aspects in his project

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