What are the main attributes to be possessed by a project manager?

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Excellent communication skills for interaction with various levels in organization, good listening skills, to work in a team, motivate team members; extract work from team members in a smooth and efficient manner, coordination and excellent management ability are some of the main attributes to be possessed by a project manager.

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  • May 21st, 2007

I would like to add the following

  • Good communicator

  • Technical competency

  • Problem-solver

  • Team leader

  • Flexibility and willingness to learn

  • Able to negotiate

  • Planning and budgeting proficiency

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There are three broad qualities that are widely considered as a must for a manager.
1. Patience - to listen to the customers, management, teams, stakeholders
2. Communication - to effectively communicate with various members of the team/extended team, up and down the chain of command, as well as side ways; clearly
3. Ethics - Honesty, integrity

Apart from these, a project manager must have the ability to (in no particular order)
1. Use various project management tools effectively to run the project
2. Make an informed and timely decision
3. Drive meetings towards results
4. Manage schedules, budgets, resources, tasks and scope
5. Negotiate signoff from various stakeholders on key deliverables
6. Interpret various communications received, properly
7. Control the project
8. Identify and Manage risks, and neutralize them before turning into issues
9. Effectively seek out timely resolutions to issues
10. Perform objective post-morteum, identify lessons learnt, update processes if required, and bring a project to a timely closure.

Pashu Pati Nath Pandey

  • Jul 27th, 2007

Main Attributes are:

@ Keen to gather information and assemble them to trace out the current scenario
@ Should not be suffer from planning myopia
@ Should accept the fact that contigencies may arise so if possible complete as much as possbile during the favorable situation.
@ Should have paticence

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