What are senario based test cases and conditional based test cases? can u pls explain with some examples?

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  • Feb 1st, 2007

Scenario Based Test Cases: Test cases which are based on the scenario or on series of steps

Conditional based test cases: these are based on the pre defined test cases

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Conditional tests are those which verify each of an application's functional branches.  For example, a registration form may ask whether or not a registrant is married.  If the registrant indicates 'yes,' the application may subsequently display a different set of questions than if the registrant indicates 'no'.  Conditional tests will verify the behavior of each functional branch. 

Scenario tests are those which verify that users can successfully complete particular tasks that are essential to the application.  For example, one test may verify that a single person can complete the registration form.  As you see, scenario tests may incorporate one or more conditional tests within the particular scenario under investigation. 

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