How to test a lift?

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  • Dec 28th, 2006

for testing the lift, mostly performance testing comes in to play and also the different types of testing of  BB techq are used, like system testing, user acceptance testing and etc

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To conduct Functional,UI,or Load any kind of testing on LIFT, Frist thing customer will provide us a tool and dev environment will provide us Simulator kind of environment. This is not only for LIFT any kind products where we can not  have that on our screen

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  • Nov 30th, 2007

verify if the lift is easy to use(userfriendly)
verify by checking various functionalities by pressing various buttons provided(functionality testing)
verify by loading the lift with more ppl or more than weight load specified(performance testing)
verify by constantly using the lift (stress testing)
verify if the door locks automatically  and opens automatically when destination is reached

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Verify that
1) The Lift door can easily able to open and close.
2) The Functional buttons are able to operate and ease of operation
3) which should be user friendly(convenient to use & buttons should be in desired position) and usabilty to others(disable person)
4) Can bale to do the function as carrying the load Up and Down by the pressed operated buttons.
5) Alert should be produce on the overload
6) Check all the buttons working as per functional. open, close, floor 1,2,3,4,ground, base 1, base 2, Alarm
7) Check that the Interagation is working as option on failure
8) Check the Power backups on current failure
9) Check the First Come First Serve priority(if 2 persons entered in 5th floor, one pressed the button to 10th and another pressed basement button)

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Find the possible cases below.

1.check if click on start button,then the lift is starting
2.check if press the open button, the the doors should be open
3.Lift door should automatically close after specific time period
4.Check the maximum load
5.Check if click the up button,then the lift is moving up
6.Check the down button
7.Check the floor number buttons
8.Lift should work according to user operations. Ex. If user press 5th floor then Lift should stop on the same floor first time during up or down journey
9.Alert should be produce on the overload
10.check if click on stop button,then the lift is stopping
11.What happen when I press open button while lift is
moving and it is in the middle of the two floors?
12.check if click on close button when some one is entering into the lift
13.If any person want to exit from lift at the time of closing door then Lift door should open again
14.Lift is in ground floor,some one entered and click on 5th floor button,while passing the lift,outside person click on down button in the 3rd floor,then what happened?
15.check if the power break off when the lift is in the middle of the 2 floors
16.What happen,if press open button while lift is
moving and it is in the middle of the two floors?
17.Check the First Come First Serve priority (Eg :if 2 persons entered in 5th floor one pressed the button to 10th and another pressed 2nd floor)

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Here are a few lift tests.  This is not an exhaustive list.


Outside Lift
1) You can call lift from every floor
2) Lift alerts arrival with an audible sound
3) When lift arrives, it is clear which direction it is going
4) The direction indicators turn off when the last occupants are delivered to a floor. 
5) The lift doors open within a reasonable amount of time after arrival
6) The lift doors remain open within a reasonable amount of time
7) Lift doors reopen when blocked during closure

Inside Lift
1) Pressing all buttons from bottom floor causes lift to stop at each ascending floor in succession. 
2) Pressing all buttons from top floor causes lift to stop at each descending floor in succession.
3) Pressing only top floor button from bottom floor causes lift to deliver you to the top floor without stopping.
4) Pressing only bottom floor button from top floor causes lift to deliver you to the bottom floor without stopping.
5) Pressing button floor button from bottom floor causes lift to do nothing.
6) Pressing top floor button from top floor causes lift to do nothing.
7) Lift stops at next floor in succession no matter when it was pressed.
8) Lift travels in the same direction until all illuminated buttons have extinguished in that direction.
9) Lift changes direction when there are no more illuminated buttons in that direction.
10) Lift remains at the last delivered floor until called upon.
11) Pressed buttons are clearly illuminated until floors are reached.
12) When destination floors are reached, their illuminated buttons turn off. 
13) Floor numbers are accurate and clearly visible upon reaching their corresponding floors.


1) The amount of time (speed) lift travels between floors meets specification.
2) The amount of time lift waits between opening and closing doors meets specification.


1) STOP button causes lift to stop.
2) Pressing ALARM button reaches security within specified amount of time.
3) Lift can carry required weight capacity.


Lift can carry 50 percent greater than specified weight capacity.

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  • Jun 19th, 2017

Hi, From many times I always thinks about lift testing, their are lot more scenarios which we have to follow on lift, actually in this functional and performance testing works simultaneously.

1) Functionality Testing
a) We should check all key properly work according to parameter and SRS
b) Their are many scenario which we have to check like - if some 1 push the key from 1st floor and after 2 sec someone push key from 2nd floor and lift is in 3rd floor, then what will happen the lift goes first on 1st floor and after it will come on 2nd floor.
c) Scenario 2 - two button are their in lift up and down- usually most people don't know about that but if user punch down button instead of up button if he wants to go upside, lift first go to down.

Performance Testing
a) Load testing
b) Stress testing
c) Usability testing
d) Risk based testing

All this comes in lift testing

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