What is use case?I was given only a date field and a submit button in a page. How can I test it and how many possible bugs can I find in it in one hour..

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  • Dec 9th, 2006

use case is pictorial representation of the requirement.

test cases for testing date field r

leave blank and submit error message should be displayed

alter the formate of the date i.e if it is mm/dd/year change all and test

like ths u can create many test cases and test

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  • Dec 12th, 2006

Usecase is nothing but Manual description about functionality in this one entire fuctionality is described.Based upon this Use case we can write test cases. Test cases for date field (If u follow DD-mm-YYYY)                                  For date it should be >=1 and <=31, for month it should be >=1 and <=12 and year >=0001 and <=9999 like this u canwrite cases for different combinations (this is called boundary value analyis and after that one u can go for Equivalance partition) .one more is u can try this one for different combinations of characters and special keys if they are allowed and also you can try for leap year (In some year some month is having only 28 days but it is accepting >28 and <=31 then it is bug)

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  • Dec 27th, 2006

A use case is a kind of description for the requirements from the client .When a date field and submit button is alone given for testing check for the  following aspects

1.date format

2.Is calendar been provided in order to choose date from it.

3. Check for postdated dates.

4. Check for pre dated dates.

when focussed in for submit button check for the

functionality of the submit button.

1. Check whether the submit button is enabled.

2. Check for enability if the date field is left blank.

3. check whether submit  button function if an invalid data is fed for date field.

4.Check whether the system updates the date field data to the database.

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  • Jan 2nd, 2007

i want toknow that if we r testing one application so one test script file is generated so if we execut that it could give same opertion then wht i the ues?

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Use case is a scenario that describes use of a system by an actor(tester) to accomplish a specific goal.
Use case :Table of content:
1Use case name
2.Flow of control
3.Special Requirement
6.Extension Points

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USe Case defines about each functionality in detail.
Use case provides information about
1. Pre condition
2. Post Condistion
3. Actor
4. Description of the Feature in details.

Once the use case is sent by the project Manager to the Team lead, use case is basically verified if all the information is fully given in the document. If any information is missing in the document it is called as ISSUES.

Once is the use case is baselined test cases are written based on it.

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Use case is a file which is retrieve from user requirements and it defines briefly about each functionalities, Test cases are retrieve from that corresponding use case, use case format :-

Use case ID
ActorPre ConditionPost Condition TriggerSuccessful End ConditionFailure End ConditionExtensionReport


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Use case is mainly the Pictorial design of the requirements. This is normally how you are going to code fo rthe requirement. What will be the input to what funtion and what could be the output to that.
as explained by many in this loop. it has specific pictorial symbols to present the out put and input and actions.

Actors,process,outpu are main symbols in this.

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Use Case: It's a high level description of the system/application as it describes how the sytem will work in terms of users.

Test cases: If the date field had date picker:

-> Check for default date as date always checked with todays date
-> If the field is read only then it should restrict the manual entries
-> If the field is not read only, then it should restrict invalid format of date and invalid
??? date like chars, etc.
-> Need to verify the post date, past date depends on conditions
-> Check if selectd the date from date picker then it should show in the field
-> Check for the validation for blank date
-> Check the date is?updated with given date by clicking on submit

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