If testcases are excuted with existing requirements and the requirements are frequently changing, what steps fot be taken for the test completion ?

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers

sajin kokkad

  • Nov 17th, 2006

You have to edit/update the test cases on a regular basis. As the part of Requirements Management, any changes in the requirements will be added/edited to the SRS.

I am assuming that, in reality, you have prepared Test cases from the documentations like SRS, Use Cases etc. So, find out time before or after the execution of test cases (or testing process) to keep the test cases up-to-date, as per the available documents.

Hope this helps

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If the requirements are changing continuosly, update the SRS doc and the Test Case document.

If the SRS is not updated, then try to update the TEst Case Document atleast.


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  • Dec 11th, 2006

any way we have to tet the requirement changes if ur in testing phase also. but what the descripency is if a requirement changes are effecting minor we can test requirement changes along with testing schedule,but if the requirements are changes are effecting major testing we can't test with testing schedule and for that requirment changes have some more time will be available.suppose if we have to test with along testing schedule we have to use more number of resources to work on that



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  • Dec 22nd, 2006

When ever there is the change in requirement, it should be updated in the SRS and the Test Case Document should also be updated.Only if SRS is updated we can check wether all the Test case are tracable to the SRS.

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A question to ask yourself:  Did you anticipate the frequency of requirement changes in your test estimation?  If not, then the time and resources required to test this project must be revised to accommodate the new conditions

When requirements consistently change, the following things must be done:

1) Review, study and learn the new requirements
2) Conduct risk analysis.  Determine how these new requirements impact existing functionalities that have already been tested. 
3) Modify test estimation to accommodate the additional time and/or resources that will be required to finish testing.
4) Determine how to proceed testing the current test cycle.  If there are interdependencies between areas, some of the areas that have already been tested may need to be tested again.  Of course, this depends where we are at in the testing phase.  Perhaps some of this can be deferred until the next test cycle.
5) Author test cases that verify the new requirements and for any dependencies that were found
6) Map test cases to their respective requirements.
7) Prioritize test cases.
8) Execute test cases.
9) Facilitate a meeting with all expert and concerned stakeholders and find a way to minimize the frequency of changes and their impact on testing.  Establish processes that are agreed upon and signed off by key members, including the business analyst.

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