What is the purpose of the testing?

Answer posted by Radhika on 2005-05-23 17:50:13: The purpose of testing can be quality assurance, verification and validation, or reliability estimation. Testing can be used as a generic metric as well. Correctness testing and reliability testing are two major areas of testing. Software testing is a trade-off between budget, time and quality.

Showing Answers 1 - 75 of 81 Answers


  • May 23rd, 2005

The purpose of testing can be quality assurance, verification and validation, or reliability estimation. Testing can be used as a generic metric as well. Correctness testing and reliability testing are two major areas of testing. Software testing is a trade-off between budget, time and quality.

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shashidhar mahavadi

  • Jun 13th, 2005

the main course of testing is to check for the existance of defects or errors in a program or project or product, based up on some predefined instructions or conditions.( It can be a scope document or HLDD)

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  • Jun 14th, 2005

The purpose of testing is to find bugs and make sure sure they get fixed.

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  • Jun 19th, 2005

To improve the quality of the product.

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  • Jun 21st, 2005

The Purpose of Testing is to Analyse that the Product is according to Requirnments

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  • Jul 4th, 2005

the process of attaining a bug free programm, by finding all the bugs in the application

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  • Jul 5th, 2005

the purpose of testing is to measure the quality of the program by finding the bugs in the program.  
in this process we perform Verifiction and Validation on the project or applicaion. 
Verification : checks consistency with the i/p's 
Validation: Checks Consistency with the User Requirements.

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  • Jul 6th, 2005

The Purpose of Testing is to find the errors but not to fix the erros.

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  • Jul 9th, 2005

The purpose of testing : 
1.The product/project should meet the Requirements 
2.To satisty the End-User 
3.To maintain the quality according to the Key process area for each CMM Level i 1 to 5 or six sigma or CMM Level 1 to 5 or ISO 
4.To attain a good name in the market that the company producing Zero defect product /project.

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  • Jul 12th, 2005

The purpose of testing is to ensure a quality product, which is reasonably bug free; it is a process which assures that the product is in sync with the requirements specified by the client and the client finally gets what he has asked for without any problems in the software.


  • Jul 19th, 2005

The purpose of Testing is to produce quality products.To make it defect free and satisfy the end users.Before implementing the project to the client, all the necessary Testing should be done.

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sudhanshu rawlani

  • Jul 21st, 2005

The purpose of the testing is the prepare the bug free quality product in the market. 
Success of any project is the sole responsibillity of tester.

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  • Jul 22nd, 2005

testing is executing a program with the intent of finding as-yet undiscovered error.This is the most desirable method of verifying functional and performance requirements.

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  • Jul 27th, 2005

testing is a process by which your ensuring that given requirement specification and actual result of the software should meet the same.

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  • Jul 30th, 2005

first of all i would like to say that testing is not the purpose but it is the need, which ensures that the developed system is ready to work at the client place

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  • Sep 5th, 2005

The purpose of the testing is to discover the bugs. 
To discover any conceivable fault, find any weakness in the product. 
Meets the customer expectation. 

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  • Sep 13th, 2005

Testing is the process of identifying defects where defect is a variance between expected and actual results.The measurement of software qualityconfirming that a program performs its intended functions correctly.Established confidence that a program does what it is supposed to do.verfifying that program satisfies its required functions correctly or identifying discrepancies between expected and actual resultsThe process of executing the software with the intent of finding errors.The process of evaluating a program or system.

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Roopa Satish

  • Sep 14th, 2005

Purpose of testing is to validate the product, application against requirements for correctness.

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  • Sep 20th, 2005

the purpose of testing to find bugs as early as possible and get them fix so as to imporve quality of the product.

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  • Oct 6th, 2005

executing a program with the intention of finding errors,intentionally making things to go wrong and finding out the errors at that stage.Testing is oriented to detection.

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  • Dec 5th, 2005

testing means to excute aprogramor anappliction with intention of verifing the requirements.or

          excete a program to idtentify the bugs.

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Gangadhar Nidudavolu

  • Jan 6th, 2006

Testing involves operation of a system or application under controlled conditions and evaluating the results (eg, 'if the user is in interface A of the application while using hardware B, and does C, then D should happen'). The controlled conditions should include both normal and abnormal conditions. Testing should intentionally attempt to make things go wrong to determine if things happen when they shouldn't or things don't happen when they should. It is oriented to 'detection'. 

  • Organizations vary considerably in how they assign responsibility for QA and testing. Sometimes they're the combined responsibility of one group or individual. Also common are project teams that include a mix of testers and developers who work closely together, with overall QA processes monitored by project managers. It will depend on what best fits an organization's size and business structure

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  • Jan 21st, 2006

Simply, testing is a measure of correctness/defectlessness in any work product.

SoftwareTesting is the process of finding bugs/defects in any software product.

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To ensure that the product or the application developed by the manufacturer to upto mark in respective to its



3)Qulaity in terms of Bug free.

4)Accepted by the end user.

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  • Jan 31st, 2006

Testing is nothing but the assurance given or certify that a product is ready to use or fit to use.

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  • Feb 10th, 2006


   The purpose of testing is to prove that the system or application works as

expected to the client..



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  • Feb 20th, 2006

1.Testing mainly improves the quality of the software according to clients requirements by matching expected and actual values.2.Detecting defects3.Number of test cases excuted to catchthe functionaliy of the application.

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  • Mar 3rd, 2006

A Very Small and Perfect Statement for "What is the need of testing?"Testing is done to check for the Completeness, Correctness, Security and Quality of the System.

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  • Mar 14th, 2006

The main purpose of testing is to?make the application?bug free,?at the same time validating the customer requirements to improve the quality.


ramesh, QA, Wipro technologies, ramesh.babumaguluri

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  • Mar 27th, 2006

the testing is to provide to user error free product or bug free..also check the all requirement of user is completed or not

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  • May 8th, 2006

The purpose of testing is to find bugs, and see to it that they get fixed.. Thus ensuring better quality.. Testing also helps to check if user requirements are met.

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maddisetty dinesh

  • Jun 30th, 2006

Testing is to improve the quality of the product.the quality can be improved only when the test engineers intentionally finding out the errors......

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  • Jul 12th, 2006

The Purpose of Testing is to find the bugs and find them as early as possible (During Developement Lifecycle) and make sure that tey get fixed.  

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  • Jul 21st, 2006

Testing should never be carried out with an intension of making the product as bug free product.

Testing should be carried out to gain the confidence for releasing the product.

Testing is a co-operation excersize between developer and tester.

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  • Sep 13th, 2006

The Main Purpose of Testing is to find Bug in any application ,and also to to minimize the Risk associated with that Bug,also the purpose of testing is to improve the Quality of product.

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Rama challa

  • Sep 13th, 2006


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M.D. Lucena

  • Sep 26th, 2006

The purpose of testing is to assure, before release, that the clients requirements are met, to produce a product with superior quality, gain a competative advantage and not to mention, to cut down cost by preventing any would be costly repairs and maintenance. 

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  • Oct 27th, 2006

The purpose of testing is to find the faults and whether the software meets the customer requirements or not?

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purpose of tesitng is to finding the errors and whether software meets the customer requirements or not.and to build the cinfidence about the system

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surendra chowdhary

  • Dec 2nd, 2006

In this process the defects are identified, isolated, subjected for rectification and ensure that the product is defect free in order to produce a quality product in end  and hence customer satisfaction.


  • Jan 18th, 2007

Identifying and isolated the deffects.subject to rectification.

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  • Mar 3rd, 2007

To satisfy the customer,To maintain the quality according to the hey process area for each CMM level is 1 to 5,To attain good name in the market that the company producing zero defect  product/project,The product/project should meet the requirement.

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  • Sep 27th, 2007

One purpose is to increase more job opportunities, increase head counts and getting more billable from the client. Developers hide things when they cant meet requirements, so testers are motivated to work against them to find such things. It will be benefit for the developed software.

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  • Oct 25th, 2007

the purpose of software requirement is to improve quality for customer requirement

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Software testing is the process of executing a software system to determine whether it matches its specification and executes in its intended environment.

* To unearth and correct defects.
* To detect defects early and to reduce cost of defect fixing.
* To ensure that product works as user expected it to.
* To avoid user detecting problems.


  • Apr 22nd, 2008

The purpose the of the testing is to make sure that the

a) Given product is a bug Free

b) Ensure that it covers all the requirements pertaining to the Stake Holders of the prodct

and so on...

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  • Jul 24th, 2008

The purpose of testing is to uncover hidden errors in the software and main thing is it can justify the standards of the application.

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  • Aug 20th, 2009

The purpose of testing is to find bugs/defects and reporting them. Testing should intend to send an error free system which is user friendly, is according to the requirements, and is satisfying to the customer. 

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The purpose of testing depends on its business needs and expected value. 

The purpose may be to:
1) discover and report defects in order to improve quality.
2) assess and report on overall quality with a predetermined degree of confidence so that relevant stakeholders can make informed business decisions regarding it.
3) determine whether something (like a software application) meets end-user requirements ('does the right thing').
4) determine whether something (like a software application) meets criteria defined by internal specifications ('does things right').

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  • May 10th, 2010

The purpose of testing is to run application or system with intention to find out the bugs (Functions that do not perform as expected).

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F Vernor

  • Aug 10th, 2011

To measure & validate the delivered product against the agreed business requirements and identify gaps, faults or unforeseen / unexpected behaviour.

To ensure the product is fit for purpose

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  • May 29th, 2019

the main purpose of testing is to find the defects and to deliver a quality product.

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