What are the boundary conditions for an OK button?

Questions by krisdinesh420   answers by krisdinesh420

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Dec 26th, 2006

This question can be answered if the test scenario is given. However,

Let's populate the correct information in all fields before clicking and verify, how does the OK button work? - It should work as expected

Let's populate the incorrect information (some correct and some of them are not) in the fields before clicking and verify, When required information is NOT populated, how does the OK button work?

Let's populate the incorrect information in all fields or leave them blank before clicking and verify, When required information is NOT populated, how does the OK button work?

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Boundary value analysis is done on range values and Boundary Values for any field should be consider with 

Minimum value -1 Minimum value Minimum value +1 
Middle value 
Maxmium value -1 Maxmium value Maxmium value +1


on OK button we can do functional Testing 

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