IBM-AIX Interview Questions:1. Why is the . not included in the path? 2. How will you mirror a volume and how will you find if a volume is mirrored ? lsvg –l (vol gp name) 3. A system is echoing the ping but not able to login via telnet why ? Etc /services etc/inetd.conf 4. what is the migration path from 4.3 to 5.1 ? (or any versions) 5. A system is able to ping within the network but not outside why ? 6. What are the components of a HACMP ? (did you use serial interface) 7. What are the resource groups in HACMP? 8. What are the apar install if so for what ? 9. How will you log in or start the system in what mode if you don’t know the root password? 10. What is ip address and subnet means ? 11. what types of san or nas devices were used ? 12. Were the storage on the hard drive or any tape used ? 13. how will you check the if a system is paging excessively ? 14. There is too much of processor utilization what could be possible reason? 15. How is paging space is allocated? 16. How will you configure sendmail ? 17. How will you assign superuser privilege to an ordinary user temporarily (sudo) 18. Based on what one will choose to use shell or perl scripting ? 19. Difference between telnet or ssh . 20. How will you truncate a log file ? 21. What is a sticky bit what is the effect on file and directory ?

Questions by abhi_jais

Showing Answers 1 - 36 of 36 Answers


  • Jan 16th, 2007

. means current directory . To run anything in current directory . we don't need to use . in path , We can directly run the command in current directory ,
Using . in path will not give any impact .


  • May 17th, 2007

SSH: Secured shell is more secured and can be used for transfer of directories itself from one box to other unix box.

Backup of the file systems will be taken onto tapes which will be restored on request.

Process that may be creating a huge file by forking child processes on its own and taking all the resources by locking the database which results in more processor utilization.

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  • Feb 21st, 2008

15. Paging space is mostly double the RAM.

20. truncate log file: cp /dev/null <log_file>

21. Sticky bit prevents ordinary user to remove/change files/directories belong to the user. it can be changed by chmod +t

Ans 3. This happens if  TCP/IP daemons are stopped.
Check whether
TCP/IP daemons are active. If not, run the command
startsrc -g tcpip
If login prompt is not available then go for hard reset i.e., press the dump button on the server, this will dump the system and the system automatically boots from dump and activates
TCP/IP daemons.

8.   APAR - Authorize program analysis report
      this is a fix to a predefined issue or a problem encountered with any software or
      appilcation program.
      these can be downloaded from suitable website and can be installed on the
      system to fix a problem.

9.   we must boot from a bootable media for eg CD-ROM . Then we have an option
      Installation and Maintainence menu.
      there go for option 3 i.e enter in to start maintainence mode for system recovery
      set roots password once again.

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17.    In my view an ordinary user can.t be made as  super user.  But he can be made
         as administrative user by adding him in all adninistrative group.
         No body will get root privileges unless he must know the root password.

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10.  Every system (host) in a network is uniquely identified by a hostname and an ip address. If your network is only a part of the entire network, then your system would also have a subnet mask. This is to find the routing of a particular host in the entire network.

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  • Oct 27th, 2009

Ans 8- APARs become IBM ceritified (registered solutions) for some pre defined and diagnosed problem.These can be downloaded frm IBM URL.Some times these Apars also become part of next Service Pack or technology level of the current OS version.
An17- username ALL=(ALL) ALL
Ans20 - To truncate a file we can use cat /dev/null > filename or # > filename

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  • Mar 23rd, 2010

1. dot(.) indicates a current directory which is not included int he path

2. Mirror a volume:  #mklvcopy <lvname> <number of lps> <pvname>
                             e.g #mklvcopy lv1 3 hdisk1     

3. rlogon is set to false (rlogon=false or rlogin=false , pls check)

5. There would problem with the "gateway'

8. 1. Restart the system using #shutdown -r
    2. Press F5 while booting
    3. Select 'Maintenance mode for recovery
    4. Enter new root password

9. APAR(Authorized Progarm analysis Report): It's a fix for the known issues with any software.

10. IP Address: it's a unique address for identifying the system in the network.
Subnet: A Subnet mask is a 32-bit number that masks an IP address, and divides the IP address into network address and host address. It is used to identify network address of an IP address by perfoming bitwise AND operation on the netmask.

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bhavik patel

  • Aug 27th, 2011

mirror volume

mirrorvg vgname diskname
bosboot -ad /dev/diskname
bootlist -m normal diskname

mirrored disk must be in bootlist, otherwise if your primary disk failed you will continue to run but not able to reboot, because there is no boot device.

these will mirror a specific vg to specific disk, and mirrorvg command also disable quorum checking by default you will have to reboot the system by it to take mirror effect.

any query about aix search here anytime. best of luck...

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kiran kumar

  • Sep 26th, 2011

after mirroring the pp sizes is more than the lp s

Ex:- lpp is 1 2 3
pps is 2 4 6

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  • Oct 5th, 2011

The '.' indicates the current directory. If the PATH environment variable is not set to look for commands in current directory, you need to use a './' before executing any command in the current directory.

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  • Oct 10th, 2011

14.Depend on utilization% of sys,wait and usr

a) If sys is showing high value, there may be more kernel system calls
b) If usr is high ,the application space is using CPU for their operation
c) If wait is high ,the CPU is waiting for something (memory,Disk or Network)

Also check for wait queue and run queue ...(from topas)

The abow factors will give the primary eason of CPU usage

The CPU utilization can be monitored using "vmstat" or "sar" ...(Note:- topas command will use more CPU than other standard monitoring commands .So do not use topas while system having high CPU utilization)

Use tprof command to record CPU utilization of intividual process

Refer the following link for more about tprof

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