When we use only Aggregator transformation in our mapping for approx 5 milion records it takes 40-42min time but when we use it with a sorter transformation, the time reduces to 12 -13 min. We have also noticed that throughput of select statement from source was also very high. It aggregates grouped data quickly is ok but why throughput of select statement was also higher using sorter transformation?

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Feb 14th, 2007

passing data to sorter is time taking why because sorter transf stores whole data in buffer and then sorts based in specified ports.insted of passing data to sorter transf ,sort d data in the sourse qualifier transf by overriding the sql query in the properties tab.it will take less time to do the job . i hope u got the answer.

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When an Aggregator transformation is used without sorter, it stores all the data before performing the grouping operation. But when a sorter is used before aggregator, it sorts all the data before passing it to the Aggregator transformation.When the source records pass through the aggregator transformation, it groups the rows based on the group by function once the rows for that coulmn(used in group by) are passed to it.


eno ename
1 A
2 B
1 C

Once the record " 2 B" is passed to the aggregator t/f, it groups the records for "1" which is not the case when sorter is not used.

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