What are diff testings in web applictions?By using winrunner what are the testings possible

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suchitra patil

  • Oct 16th, 2006

Black box testing-equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis), Functional testing, performance testing.

using winrunner we can do regression testing also using loadrunner we can do load testing.

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WE can do so much testings for a web application. Actually the term are same but methods are different for some diff. testing as in client/ server type application testing.ex. If we think about compatibilty testing for client / server, we see how compatible our application is with other h/w software application.For web application we see compatibility with diff. browser and modem speed extra.ok the testing on web application may be.1. Look and Feel2. Functional3. Navigational4.database5.field validation6.Usability7.localizational8. compatibility9. Performance10.alpha, Beta etc.

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  • Oct 21st, 2006

Thank you.

Can you suggest the common error codes occured while testing Web Applications.

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chakravarthi yalamanchili

  • Nov 11th, 2006

functionality testing of webappliction TE people do 8 types tests1.verifying the properties of web objects2.verifying the prevention of negitive operations3.type and size of input objects4.to verify output of funcionalities5.to verify impact of webpages on backend tables6.order of funcionalities in web pages7.verify every link execution and existence8.to very correctness of text in webpagesabove first 6 is common in c/s applications where as for web 7&8 are extra performance testing for web application is mandatory in this we calculate the performance time for a.URL b.Links c.Image links d.data submission e.form submission

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  • Nov 20th, 2006

In addition to the testing techniques used for desktop applications, the additional testing of Load testing/ Stress testing is really needed here.

Performance is really an issue in Web Applications so we will have to ensure/validate the smooth running of a particular web application when so many concurrent users are using that web application.

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1. User Interface Testing
a)Site(Easy to use, Check the Instructions are correct)
b)Sitemap or Navigation bar(link checking, consistant and operatable perfect)
c)Site Content(content checking, consistent, misspell. design interrupt)

2. Functioanlity Testing
a) Application Specific(Correctness of Functioanlity, no I/P O/P broken links,Form submission,Validate the i/p according to the bussiness rule, Erro message and Alert messages)
b)Cookies(Check the cookies informations are stored in encrypted format)

3. Interface Testinga) Server
a) Verify the S/W can handle every possible mesage returned by the external server.
b) Ensure the transaction data is being retrieve and store properly on run queries(Browser Server Interface)

c)Error Handling, ensure the system can  handle application errors, other system errors, transaction handled

4. Compatibility Testing
a) Operating Systems
b) Browsers
c) Video Settings
d) Printers

5) Load/ Stress Testing
a) No of user access the site at same time with out getting busy signal
b) verify the system can handle large amount of date from multiple user
c) check the site can use continous with out down time

6. Security Testing
c)Log files

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