1. You create a suite of scripts which use a shared object repository. One of the objects, the status bar on your application’s main window, is named AFX4450. The object appears in many scripts and is causing confusion because of its non-intuitive name. You are asked to rename the object Status Bar.Which answer best describes what must be done to rename the object and ensure that all scripts in which the object appears execute without error?A. Only rename the object in the object repository. All the scripts in which the object appears will be automatically updated with the new name the next time the scripts are opened. B. Rename the object in the object repository and rename each instance of the object in all scripts in which it appears. C. Only rename the object in one of the scripts in which it appears. The object will be automatically renamed in all other scripts and in the object repository. D. Rename the object in one of the scripts in which it appears and perform ‘Update Run’ to update the object repository and other scripts. E Rename the object in each script in which it appears.

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Oct 7th, 2006

I think the answer B is more appropriate???

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Senthil Kumar P

  • Oct 11th, 2006

Ofcourse the correct answer is "B"

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  • Oct 14th, 2006

It's a shared object repository...the ans is A

The ans is A.:

 Only rename the object in the object repository. All the scripts in which the object appears will be automatically updated with the new name the next time the scripts are opened.

reason: QTP automatically updates the scripts when an object is renamed in

Shared Repository.That is the main advantage of using the shared Repository.

Uday Kumar. A

  • Nov 10th, 2006

Hi all,

Kruthy and Asish are correct.

The correct answer is A.

Here is my notes for the above question:

If you rename objects in a shared object repository in one test  and save the changes, when you open another test  using the same shared object repository, that test  updates the object name in all steps of the test . This process may take a few moments. If you save the changes to the second test , the renamed steps are saved. However, if you close the second test  without saving, then the next time you open the same test , it will again take a few moments to update the object names in the test  steps.




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  • Dec 17th, 2006

     i hope we use environment variable for the object. apply. that is the advantage of the envirnoment variable. it will reflect in all the scripts.

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  • Mar 24th, 2007

Even though the status bar has the same properties all across your application.They come under differant windows/ screens which are its parents. If you modify the name at one instance, it will not modify the name of that object that are under other screens with differant propeties even though its SHARED repository.

You will have to go into Object repository and rename it wherever it is...it should be more than once..you will have it under each screen. Check it out

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