Hi ,How to do negative testing for database testing ?andWhat is mean by internal quality auditing ?Please explain if u have any related document please forward it.Thanks & Best Regards.ZahirHussainCELL : 9382899885CHENNAI

Questions by zahirhussain

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Oct 4th, 2006

Insert the record/data from Applicaiton then open related database table(Sql Server/Oracle) and verify data stored properly, which u have entered through application. (In SRS, clearly they mention abt Database tables  and on which table the screen information should store)
Internal Quality Audits means, QA people conduct audits internally to measure the company process. QA people conduct audits --> HR, Projects,QA, Purchases, Network.. Departments. (Ex: IQA is just like quterly examinations, based on QA feed back all department imporves there process. External Quality Audit means it will conduct every approx 9 months)

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  • Oct 23rd, 2006

Negative Testing a Database :

As the normal meaning of the negative testing is to give some input which is not appropriate(wrong input) to test whether the system shoots out the warning or not. Same way while you are testing the database you, you need to have sample data( which is already stored in database)

Ex: username and password for a login screen

when you try to give a username and password which are not valid and relavent then the system has to check with the values that are stored and has to show a mismatch.

If it shoots out or pops up or displays a message of this irrelavence occurance then we can be sure that the system is passing in negative test.

Qulaity Audit

Quality audit is normally conducted by QA people to find out the level to which the standards have been attained. Depending on this result the analysis of the quality that is followed to develop a process can be calculated. I always keep it like this "All the rivers have humble begning", so is the case with the quality. It may not look like the serious thing in the beggining but by the end it will have a great impact on the outcome. so internal quality auditing is necessary to keep track of the quality process attained.

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Naveen Pathak

  • Mar 12th, 2007

We can do negative testing for Database:
In a login window we can pass unexpected data in the user name and password.
Mainly like blind SQL injection or LDAP injection.
Naveen Pathak

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  • Jul 6th, 2007

For internal Audits.

Internal Quality Audit is related to the process that you are following within an organization. It may include how the projects are assessing the quality based on the process the company has.

It might be ISO audit or CMM assessment. They once again pertain to how the process is followed at business unit level or at individual project level.

If you take one project for which we need to do a CMM assessment or Quality Audit. First they will look into the various phases of the project and verifies each pahse at CMM level or qulaity level it will fall. This will be carried out based on the guidelines and checklists available in the organization process.

For example: Take various phases like
1. Requirements Phase
2. Design Phase
3. Coding Phase
4. Testing Phase.
All these phases each will be verified at what level(like CMM level1/2/3/4/5) they fall. If they are not in the expected level then they work on the strategies to be followed to make them improve to reach to expected levels.

Usually internal audits can be carried out in an organization for every quarter once. This audits will help you in finding the loop holes and gaps following in the current process and helps them to refine them accordingly. Also these audits will help you or give confident level for external audits.

Generally when your are going for external audits or certifications they will consider the whole company process for the audit based on few picked projects from various business units(if the company has) and verify them towards their standards. If it is goes fine then the company will be certified with the CMM assessment or ISO standard.

Hope i have answered your Questions.

For any more clarifications you can reach me at idreams27 AT yahoo DOT com


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