Can someone tell me how to write test case/test plan for Build.

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Sajin Jose

  • Sep 12th, 2006

Test case is a document that describes how to conduct testing of an objective. So, it should contain an Objective of testing, steps for execute the step, results you have found while executing the test case etc.

A test case typically contains, Test Case objective, Req. ID or Use Case ID under which this Test Case comes, Creater details, pre-requisisities for conducting this test. These details are followed by columns describing the actual steps, expected result and Remarks fields.

EX: Suppose you want to check whether the 'Add' button of a calculator is successfully performing it's intended task.

So, ur objective will be on entering two numbers, say 2 & 3, the result that should come after pressing the 'Add' button will be the sum of two numbers, ie;5 in this case.

You have to include in Step no.1  as "Enter the first Number"; expected result is "First Number should be visible in the respective field". Second step will be entering the Second Number and so on.. If any step fails, you can include that details as remarks against each Test Step



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