If we have 50 functional requirements in S/WRS document and we prepared test cases for that document. How can u find the mistake or loss the functionality in SRS document? Is it possible to review in Traceability Matrix?

Showing Answers 1 - 7 of 7 Answers

subhra ranjan

  • Sep 21st, 2006


Your query is not clear enough to explain. If you want to know how much requirement you have covered then u can know it from tracability matrix. SRS document is always followed as a reference. But Use cases are always used to write the test cases. Hope you got your answer. If not then please clearly explain about your issue.

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  • May 22nd, 2007


Yes, it is possible.
because through Tracebility matrix, you can check whether all functionality cover or not.

With Best Regards,

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  • Aug 13th, 2007

Generally Traceability matrix and detailed test case docs are prepared in separate spread sheet. Test cases identified in the RTM are maintained in the different spread sheet which will be comprised of Precondition, Test Name, Test Id, Step No, Action, Expected result. For each test case identified in the RTM(requirement traceability matrix) above all of the things will be maintained in the different test case sheet.
To find out the coverage user just need to look into the traceablity matrix that if any requirement is not having test objective and test case identified against it or not. So for 50 req. there should be atleast 50 TCs. Yes it is easy to review the traceability matrix. As traceability matrix contains all of the req.s in exact words as in S/WRS we this is easy to review and reviewer need not visit S/WRS doc to get req. again and again.

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With the question, what i understood is you have 50 requirements but what if there are mistake available or Not availability of functionality in SRS document...

If all the requirements are not covered in SRS itself, then it can traced out by only with the client or Business analyst, but domain wise if tester has strong knowledge and experience then testser might find such issues.

Traceability matrix wont be help full for this kind of scenarios, as Traceability matrix is used to map Test cases and requirements.

Please correct me if i am wrong

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