What are the key factors tester keep in mind before writing test case. Please give examples of any particular test case.

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  • Sep 1st, 2006

tester should write the test cases as he is new user who is using the particular application first time.

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Aruna Kumar G

  • Sep 5th, 2006

Test Case should be specific like, if any new tester wants to execute test cases, he/she can execute test cases without fail. (With out taking any help from his/her teammate) 

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  • Sep 14th, 2006

1.Tester should develop the Test Cases that should cover each and every requirement

2. Should develop the TC's for all valid, invalid, expected and unexpected scenario's

3. The TC's should cover the entire application's functionality

4. Test Case is the document/idea through which user can analyze the whole application.

5. Test cases should be developed based on the Test Case standards and Test case template (like font size should be Arial 10, Test Case name should be short and descriptive, should not contain spelling and grammatical mistakes etc)

6. Test cases should be in such way that any new user can understand and execute the application.

tester should unuderstand the requirements first ie studying bdd perfectly.and also he understand the functionality of the application or product or window then he will write test case.

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1) Test cases should cover entire work functionality of software build
2) They should be clear for understanding
3) Test case should contain each and every detail of the derived test scenario

4) All the prepared test cases should belongs to a specific Test Scenario
5) All the test cases together should be in a way to cover the entire project (Means complete test coverage should be done for the overall project)

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1. Test Case should cover the functionality
2. Clearly mentioned about the expected result for the Test Data.
3. Test Case should be understandable one, which may be executed by other resource.
4. Test Steps should be mentioned clear(Pre-Condition, Post-condition)
5. Test Cases should cover the
    a) Funcitonality
    b) Positive case
    c) Negative case
    d) GUI
    e) Validation

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Key factors to consider before authoring test cases are:

1) Test cases must cover all of the product's requirements.

2) Test cases should be written for greatest value with least effort.

3) Testing techniques such as equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis should be considered to minimize the number of test cases.

4) Test cases should be self-contained and not rely on any other test cases.

5) All information necessary for testing should be included in test cases.

6) Anyone should be able to execute test cases without domain or product knowledge.

7) Test cases should be written clearly and concisely.

8) Test cases should map to their corresponding requirements.

9) Test cases should be properly prioritized.

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