Why V-model is called as V-model?

Questions by aniketrane   answers by aniketrane

Showing Answers 1 - 28 of 28 Answers


  • Aug 30th, 2006

Since it used to do both Validation and Verification

That is V stands for both Validation and Verification

If am wrong plz let me know on that...

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  • Sep 12th, 2006

Hi All ,

V-model is named for the validation and verification . And the structure of this software model is in V-shape it also named for that .

Its advantage:-

 1. From the begining of the project the testing is started .From the requirements phase only the testing is done .

2. Bugs can be tracked from the begining itself



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Susanta Behera

  • Oct 2nd, 2006

Bcz Developing The Softwarte Components wtr Testabilty.

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  • Oct 11th, 2006

Because Deliverables happens parallely. Both from Development side and testing side.  Once the requirement is colllected developers build the product, testers write the test cases according to the requirements. So Verfication and Validation Takes Place parallely so it is called  V-Model

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  • Oct 12th, 2006

- Requirements                                                   - Test Requirements

        -  Design                                       - Test Design 

             -    Development           - Test Development  


This is what V-model means, look at the shape. From requirements, design, development, release. Each phase has a bit of testing.

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  • Feb 5th, 2007

After preparing the s/w the test engineers will test the s/w whether it is work according to the customer

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V stands for Verification and Validation.The shaped of the model is like bcz both development work and testers work starts and the same joins at one points and ends at the same time thats the reason this model is named as V-Model

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  • Sep 7th, 2010

V Model is a graphical representation of the systems development lifecycle. It is very similar to the Classic Waterfall Model. In V-Model both development and testing activity will done

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  • Nov 2nd, 2011

@ Sarvanan and others who agree with him..

Your answer is not correct entirely.
"The VEE represents the sequence of steps in a project life cycle development. It describes the activities and results that have to be produced during product development. The left side of the "V" represents the decomposition of requirements, and creation of system specifications. The right side of the VEE represents integration of parts and their verification. V stands for "Verification and Validation" (Taken from Wikipedia)


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  • Nov 6th, 2012

In the V model each model is Testable and Each have review. so , we can easily find a bug and also we can add new requirement at ant phase. the shape of Design is Vshape,so it is called V model.

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  • Jan 23rd, 2013

V - Model follows Verification and Validation as static testing and dynamic testing respectively.

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imran ali

  • Oct 21st, 2014

Here in this type of model the verification and validation is doing at the time of starting itself, both are doing simultaneously at a time.

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  • Apr 28th, 2017

The V-model is an SDLC model where execution of processes happens in a sequential manner in a V-shape. It is also known as Verification and Validation model.
The V-Model is an extension of the waterfall model and is based on the association of a testing phase for each corresponding development stage. This means that for every single phase in the development cycle, there is a directly associated testing phase. This is a highly-disciplined model and the next phase starts only after completion of the previous phase.

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  • Jun 30th, 2017

V model(Verification and Validation):
this model is called "v model" because of its "v shape"...although its a linear sequential process..it has got v shape because of dependencies..
BRS ------------------------------------- Acceptance Testing
SRS ------------------------------------ Software Testing
HLD -----------------------------Integration Testing
LLDs ------------------ Unit Testing
Programmers develop programs in "Coding" stage...same programmers can conduct unit testing on programs w.r.t LLDs. therefore there is a dependency between "unit testing" and "LLDs"
Programmers can interconnect those programs to build a s/w and test those interconnections w.r.t HLD...therefore there is dependency between "integration testing" and "HLD"
A separate testing team can test the whole s/w w.r.t SRS
Client site ppl can give feedback on s/w w.r.t BRS -----> Acceptance Testing

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Anu Murugan

  • Apr 20th, 2020

It is termed as "V-Model" because the series of actions execute in a "V shape" manner. It is also called as Validation and Verification model.

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