If SRS having changes in every 2 to 3 days, which testing is best?Is ad hoc is best?Order the given list functional Req,test plan, test design,test case, test execution,report.

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  • Aug 30th, 2006

Changes have to be documented very clearly and write testcases for them if possible and run them on the specified build.

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Raghu Ram

  • Aug 30th, 2006


Once the  SRS finalized depend on those use cases we prepare test cases. after two days srs changed,then identify when the change impacts.depend on the impact analysis u prepare the tc cases for enhancements and make it as a diffrent version of test cases.so the new version test case consists of prevoius test case + this new test cases. at this time u conduct testing in regression process. and finally i cant under stand the last line of your question.

if u want any clarifications send me tamminas_ramu@yahoo.co.in

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Having changes to SRS document for every 2 to 3 days is not that good for a project or an application. And further before a SRS document is to be finilized a very clear requirements are to be taken by the experts or Seniors in a company because if we keep changing our SRS for every 2 to 3 days imagin the cost impact on the project, and also the efforts of the employees who are working for that project.

Also continuous changes in the SRS document for every 2 to 3 days will sometimes divert the actual goal in developing an application or a project.

What ever it is every change has to be documented and kept

This is the reason the Configuration Management(CM) concept plays a very major role to control change management.

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  • Sep 7th, 2006

Exploratory testing is the best one in this case, whre you can derive & write some test cases during your test execution.

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  • Mar 5th, 2007

I agree with hanumabalusu.

If we have changing SRS in every 2 to 3 days, it means WE DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE WHOLE PROJECT. The Client may be not correct.

Changing SRS often might deviate us from the actual goal. Might be difficult for us to understand the project first.
The release time may increase. Think about the cost.

The best test will be explortary test, agile test, Error Guessing test.

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