Is there any standard way to catch same defects raised by multiple tester?

Questions by akschswe   answers by akschswe

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if you are using some special tools for bug reporting then u can query for similar kind of bugs that u want to find, u can have bug discussions , with these u can find similar bugs logged by multiple testers

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Basically what r u saying is traditional approach of working which has alreday been done by our team. Actually our team is scattered two and three geographical place in globe. so its not always possible to have discussion with them about each bug. We are using Excel shared sheet to log bug before final bug raising. & we are working to automate it & same time we are also looking for some automated tool for it. By the way thnx.

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siva ramakrishna

  • Sep 6th, 2006


doing re-testing before relasing product.

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You want the ability to identify defects raised by multiple testers and to do so efficiently. 

Assuming all testers are logging their findings in a common defect tracking database, the standard process is:

1. Anticipate defects that could likely be reported by multiple testers,

2. Conduct a query in your defect management and reporting tool based on most likely keywords.

3. Consider this method isn't foolproof because the language testers use to report defects invariably differ and some similar defects will be missed by your query.  Therefore, you may need to be creative to discover all of the same defects. 

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