Can we create test scripts in QTP without using object repository or objects

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amit sharma

  • Aug 15th, 2006

yes it is possible

we can also instruct QuickTest to perform methods on objects without referring to the Object Repository, without referring to the object?s logical name. To do this, you provide QuickTest with a list of properties and values that QuickTest can use to identify the object or objects on which you want to perform a method. Such a programmatic description can be very useful if you want to perform an operation on an object that is not stored in the object repository. You can also use programmatic descriptions in order to perform the same operation on several objects with certain identical properties, or in order to perform an operation on an object whose properties match a description that you

determine dynamically during the test run.You can also instruct QuickTest to perform methods on objects without referring to the Object Repository, without referring to the object?s logical name. To do this, you provide QuickTest with a list of properties and values

that QuickTest can use to identify the object or objects on which you want to perform a method. Such a programmatic description can be very useful if you want to perform an operation on an object that is not stored in the object pository. You can also use programmatic descriptions in order to perform the same operation on several objects with certain identical properties, or in order to perform an operation on an object whose properties match a description that you determine dynamically during the test run.

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suman sekhar

  • Aug 17th, 2006

Yes. we can do it by using "Descriptive programming".but its necessary to know the properties of object.for example, Dialog box has properties like Class Name,Text,x,y,etc.  and Textbox has properties like Class Name, Attached Text,text,etc. we can find these properties in two ways.

1. by using Object Spy provided with selecting object wiht hand icon provided in Object Spy,we will see list of properties of object(Test Object Properties and Runtime Object Properties).

2. by knowing the Coding Language in which the application is designed.(user should have knowledge of that Language)

Descriptive Programming script will be like this:

dialog("Property1:=Value","Property2:=Value").winedit("Property:=Value").set "india"

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