Describe different job scheduling in operating systems?

Scheduling is the activity of the deciding when process will receive the resources they request.FCFS: --- FCSFS stands for First Come First Served. In FCFS the job that has been waiting the longest is served next.Round Robin Scheduling: ---Round Robin scheduling is a scheduling method where each process gets a small quantity of time to run and then it is preempted and the next process gets to run. This is called time-sharing and gives the effect of all the processes running at the same timeShortest Job First: -- The Shortest job First scheduling algorithm is a nonpreemptive scheduling algorithm that chooses the job that will execute the shortest amount of time.Priority Scheduling: ---Priority scheduling is a scheduling method where at all times the highest priority process is assigned the resource.

Showing Answers 1 - 7 of 7 Answers


  • Jul 27th, 2005

Shortest remaining time first--> preemptive shortest job first

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Scheduling is the process of determining which processes will actually run
when there multiple runnable processes.

Scheduling Algorithms
1. First come first served scheduling (FCFS): According to this
''allocate the CPU in the order the process arrive. "this algorithm is
non-preemptive. It is suitable for batch systems.

2. Shortest job first scheduling: "allocate the CPU to the process with
least CPU-burst time. "this algorithm can be either preemptive or non
preemptive. It gives minimum average waiting time.

3. Priority scheduling: "a higher priority job should get the CPU whereas
lower priority job will have to be wait.

4. Round-Robin scheduling: the basic purpose of this algorithm is to
support time sharing systems. It is similar to FCFS but preemption is added to
switch b/w processes. A small unit of time is called time quantum or time
slices. The CPU scheduler picks the first process from the ready queue, sets a
timer to interrupt after 1 time quantum and dispatches the processes.

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priya adak

  • Sep 20th, 2011

job scheduling also called as long term scheduling....It select the process from these pool and load them into memory for execution..It controls the degree of multiprogramming....If the degree of multiprogramming is stable then the avg rate of process creation must be equal to the avg departure rate of the process leaving the system....

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