Why thread is called as a lightweight process?

Questions by desh_suja78

Showing Answers 1 - 24 of 24 Answers


  • Mar 16th, 2006

Just becos the  threads share the common memory space. The memory allocated to the main thread will be shared by all other child threads.

  Whereas in case of Process, the child process are in need to allocate the seperate memory space.

It is called light weight process to emphasize the fact that a thread is like a process but is more efficient and uses fewer resources( n hence "lighter")and they also share the address space.

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  • Nov 21st, 2006

Thats apt answer. Thanks a lot.RegardsMuru

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  • Dec 28th, 2006


I read the answer it really good.

Thanks and Regards,


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Manohar rathod

  • Mar 5th, 2007

the lightweight process in which the memory is allocated for any process is different

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  • Oct 22nd, 2007

to add to this,

while creating a process you need to do a lot allocate space, maintain pointer, create a lot of pointer as you see in the block diagram of the process on contrary thread creation is pretty much simple they share the heap of process and just need a stack of their own so it is light weight .


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thread is a lightweight process becoz it simply divides a process into various subprocesses....each subprocess completes specific task and these threads run symoultaneously(parallel) resulting in speedy process completion & reduced resource usage..hence less load on O.S.
correct me if m wrong.thx

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A Thread is the smallest unit of execution.
Creating a new process would require allocating a new address space, new stack and heap section

But when a process creates one or more threads they share the data and the code section of the parent process. Each thread has it's own copy of Program counter, registers.

Also less overhead in context switch.

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bhanu regmi

  • Apr 8th, 2015

because it takes less resources if system

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Raju Singh

  • May 4th, 2015

Thread is light weight because thread shared the same memory address space and It takes less memory and less time to execute the program.

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Arnab Khan

  • Apr 6th, 2016

Thread is a light weight process because it shares its address space except the stack and also it is more efficient than a process.

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Salman Sheikh

  • Jul 23rd, 2016

Just because the threads share the common memory space. The memory allocated to the main thread will be shared by all other child threads.

Whereas in case of Process, the child process are in need to allocate the separate memory space.

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Utsav Rami

  • Apr 17th, 2019

Thread is light weight because thread shared the same memory address space and It takes less memory and less time to execute the program.

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