What are the basic functions of an operating system?

Operating system controls and coordinates the use of the hardware among the various applications programs for various uses. Operating system acts as resource allocator and manager. Since there are many possibly conflicting requests for resources the operating system must decide which requests are allocated resources to operating the computer system efficiently and fairly. Also operating system is control program which controls the user programs to prevent errors and improper use of the computer. It is especially concerned with the operation and control of I/O devices.

Showing Answers 1 - 20 of 20 Answers


  • Jul 7th, 2005

I found these materils very much useful for me.. 
If u have any other related materials can i have those?? 
Can i Know which book are you reffering??

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  • Sep 6th, 2005

OS is an interface between user and computer. It is a manager of all resources and memory allocation.

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  • Mar 8th, 2006

answer:-it is the mediator between h/w and s/w.

it will work as command interpreter,memory manager,process manager.

command interpreter:-whenever we will type some data it will take from the keyboard and it convert to the language which computer can understand.and again it will display the result in which language user can understand.

memory manager:-it will allocate memory for a particular process.

process manager:-it will allocate time for a particular process.


  • Sep 22nd, 2006

This answer is very good , it helps me to update my knowledge


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  • Feb 28th, 2007

1) Interface between your computer and the outside world
2) System tools (programs) used to monitor computer performance, debug problems, or  maintain parts of the system.
3) A set of libraries or functions which programs may use to perform specific tasks especially relating to interfacing with computer system components.

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Irfan Shaikh from solapur

  • Mar 19th, 2007

OS is the interface betn h/w and s/w. The core of os is kernel it is not hardware not software ..it is firm ware..

command interpreter:-whenever we will type some data it will take from the keyboard and it convert to the language which computer can understand.and again it will display the result in which language user can understand.

memory manager:-it will allocate memory for a particular process.

process manager:-it will allocate time for a particular process.


  • Mar 28th, 2007

OS is basically interrupt-routine handler!

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  • Jun 24th, 2007

in more detail we can say operating system do:

memory managing including swapping
interrupt handling
interface between user application and hardware
error handling



  • Aug 16th, 2009

User View:
1) OS is designed for the EASE OF USE, an interface between the hardware and
2) For maximizing Resource Utilization: CPU time , memory and i/o is used

System View:
1) Resource Allocator
2) Control Program: manages execution of the user programs to prevent errors.

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Basically operating system is a system sofware and a set of instructions which creates a plateform for the user to interact with the computer hardware. It works as an intermediary between the computer hardware and application sofware.

Basically a user interacts with the application software, and application software interacts with the OS.

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  • Aug 31st, 2011

-Interface between User Copmuter and Copmuter Harware.
-create the environment to user can execute the process.
-intermediate between application and hardware.
-control the execution of application program.

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