When an application is given for testing,with what initial testing the testing will be started and when are all the different types of testing done following the initial testing?

Questions by lavanyasr31   answers by lavanyasr31

Showing Answers 1 - 13 of 13 Answers


  • May 8th, 2006


when an application come for testing, first of all we will do the sanity testing and after that we go for the further testing. if our appliction's maimn functionality is working fine then we can go for further testings otherwise no need to go ahead.

Vikas gupta

  • May 8th, 2006


when an application come for testing then first of all we will do sanity testing. if our application's main functionality is running fine then we will move on further testing.


  • May 8th, 2006

When the application is given first it is done for sanity,it is done to check each and every functionality of the application before going into indepth testing.This is performed by developers before putting the file into testing enviroment.After that we need to check for smoke testing,system testing,end to end testing.

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  • May 9th, 2006

Hi. When the build comes for the testing, first we are conducting the smoke or sanity testing. This is to test the basic functionality of the build. The build is returned to the developer if the smoke or sanity testing fails. We should not report to the bug tracking tool, if a bug is found in smoke testing, rather the build is rejected.


  • May 16th, 2006

when test engineers  recieve application from developers first  they conduct sanity testing for finding stability of the build.if any mismatches are found they send back to the development team. After recieveing stable build from developers they start remaining levels of testing.


  • Aug 15th, 2007

First we do is the sanity testing (build acceptance testing) whether the major functionality is working & not causing any crashes so that further detailed?testing can be performed.

Once a new build is released, testing team needs to accept the build, for the same test team will verify whether the basic functionality is working fine or not so that they can do further testing, this type of testing is nothing but smoke testing, as a part of smoke testing, Test team will prepare a checklist and while executing smoke testing all the checklist should be passed then only testing team will accept the build and then go further for doing detailed testing.

few example check list's for any email account:

is the site opening with the given URL
am i able to Log on with the valid values
am i able to view the emails
am i able to add single or multiple email addresses to send an email
am i able to write the content
am i able to attach a file
am i able to send a mail
am i able to delete an email
am i able to signout from mail account


  • Sep 30th, 2009

When an application come for testing, Tester will do one round of sanity (Top to Bottom). If there are no SHOW stoppers, Tester will procced with Functional Testing, GUI Testing.
Before giving build to Testing Team, Build Taker will do smoke Test.

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