What is business process in software tesing

Questions by rajasekharu

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers


  • May 4th, 2006

1. what is testing?2. what is bug?3. what is bug-tracking tool?4. what are all the mail fields in bug tracking tool?5. what is the test case?6. which sdlc model you used?7. what is V model?8. what is the test plan?9. what is the bug life cycle?10. what is regression testing?11. what is the difference between

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  • May 5th, 2006

bug:a fault in the prog which causes the prog to perform in unanticipated or unintended mannerregression testing :retesting of s/w while some new features are added or removedv model :requirment low level high level design coding implementation

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  • May 5th, 2006

test case:it is the combination of i/n or o/p to check the functionality of s/wopen,resolved and close basic tools of bug trackingvmodel

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Maddiletireddy Palle

  • May 15th, 2006


Business Process in Software Testing is:

  • Describe what testing means, why it is necessary, why it can be inadequate and when it is complete.
  • Understand and distinguish among common testing techniques, such as documentation reviews, black and white box, unit, integration, system, boundary, stress, static and dynamic testing.
  • Describe how testing fits into a typical Software Development Life Cycle.
  • Understand the unique testing characteristics for web, client/server, mainframe and vendor applications.
  • Perform risk analysis to determine what to test and create a Risk Assessment Document.
  • Define testing strategies and create a Test Strategy Document.
  • Describe the processes and deliverables associated with best practice testing.
  • Create test plans and test cases based on requirements.
  • Develop a process for handling errors and issues that occur throughout the testing lifecycle.
  • Understand Quality concepts (including Quality Assurance) and its importance to the testing process.
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities throughout the testing process.
  • Conduct special tests, such as usability tests, disaster recovery tests and other miscellaneous tests

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  • May 23rd, 2006

hi frnd,

pls explain what is high level design document and low level documents in the software development life cycle with suitable examples.



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  • May 30th, 2006

Business Process refers to a Particular functionality in an Application. Suppose we have a Railway Reservation Application. In that Application Book Ticket is a Business Process. This Business Process consists of all the sequence of steps starting from making the reservation to closing the application windows.

All the steps constitute a Business Process. Therefore Similarly in a Banking Application the Business Process may constitute of opening an account,closing an account or any other activities.

In testing an Application we first identify all the business processes which needs to be tested.


  • Sep 30th, 2009

Bussiness Process means - What purpose client using this application, in which bussiness, for ex:- Retail or Banking.

While Testing an application, we should keep client bussiness needs in mind. If any doubt, Raise a clarification issue and assign it to Bussiness analyst. They will look up.

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