What are the important scenarios for testing emails? How do you test emails? Which tool is best for testing email?

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  • May 13th, 2006

Test the email is not a very easy scenario.

We can categorised the different part on which tester may perform the testing.

1) for incoming mail with attachment

2) for outgoing mail with attachment

3) mail failure

4) Other properties like ;Delete,Edit etc.........

1)  for incoming mail with attachment :--

   1. Chek the proper incoming address or id.

   2. Chek Not only the One address(TO),but also for

      the Ccc and Bcc Addresses.

   3. Check the max and min limit for number of


   4. Check if address has some error like @ or . is

       missing .

   5. Check if address has more than 1 @ sign .

   6. Check if . has arrives less than 1 or more than

       standard time (as per registered)

   7. Check if address has arrives more than 1 time.

   8. Check address only have @, ., _ and - special 

      symbols that are standard signs.

   9. Check taht mail dose not have unnecessary

      content with it self.

   10. If there is/are any attachments then they open 


   11. The attachment size not exceeds the standard 


   12. If there are more than 1 attachments then the

       calculated size must be under the  Standard size.

   13. If email content have some images or some

        different Flash pic must show properly.

   14. Some time mail have some different extentions

        file then it shows properly.

   15. If the user read the mail ,then it should be

        marked as readable.


2) for outgoing mail with attachment :--

   1. Check the Address as we done prior.

   2. Here we must check for the attachments.

   3. For all the send pictures

   4. Mail content should have the proper content.

3) mail failure:-- Check for the mail failure

4) Other properties like ;Delete,Edit etc.........

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Check the proper incoming address or id

Check Not only the One address (TO), but also for the Ccc and Bcc Addresses.

Check the max and min limit for number of addresses.

Check if address has some error like @ or . is missing .

Check if address has more than 1 @ sign .

Check if . has arrives less than 1 or more than standard time (as per

Check if address has arrives more than 1 time.

Check address only have @, ., _ and - special symbols that are standard signs.

If there is/are any attachments then they open properly.

The attachment size not exceeds the standard size.

If the user read the mail ,then it should be marked as readable.

Check If the To email id not exist ,then it is showing in the outbox.

Check if the received email has no subject.

Check if you send or receive the email to new address, then that email id is
adding to the address

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