In an application if i enter the delete button it should give an error msg "Are u sure u want to delete" but the application gives the message as "Are u sure". is it a bug. And if it is how would you rate its severity.

Questions by mdavid

Showing Answers 1 - 25 of 25 Answers

Amit Bahuguna

  • Apr 24th, 2006

1 its  minor.

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Ramesh B R

  • May 10th, 2006

Priority: HighSeverity: Low


  • May 18th, 2006

Should be severity: "trivial", it's just a text change

Yes it is a bug and is related error message bug category.For this type of bug mentioned in the question,some part of error message is missing.Delete button functionality is to delete an item from the application.Here the expected result should be "Are you sure you want delete",but actual result is "Are you sure".A user can understand easily, what the error message is asking and will definetly click on ok,if he wants to delete or click cancel if he was not sure.Here severity is low or very low,means it is not affecting the application behaviour though it is a defect or bug.If it is "Are You" than the bug severity increases to high and priority also becomes high.


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krishna prasad

  • Jul 28th, 2006

If the error message should be of " Are you sure you want to delete" but its displaying only "Are you sure" then we can say it is a bug with the priority as " Low".

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  • Nov 7th, 2006

I think we must also consider the delevary date of the project. Generally speaking these kind of cosmetic bugs will have low priority and severity. But say if the delevary date is three or four days left, then every bug will have high priority. In such a case we have to assign high priority though the severity is low.

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Low Severity, Low Priority.

This is Bug as it is not adhering to the specs - i.e. the error message is different even though the user IS getting an error message.

Don't forget you could argue that some users may think "Are you sure" - "Am I sure about what?"  Without being arrogant, I have worked with users like this.

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Consider this hypothetical scenario:
To your utter amazement, you are informed that you are the millionth customer who has visted this website and you are asked "Do you want a million dollars?"  This question remains visible at the top of the screen in BIG BOLD letters. 
The application makes it clear that it's a one shot deal.  You get one chance to obtain a million dollars.  The only thing you have to do is enter your name and address using the test box at the bottom of the page and they will send you the check by mail.   For security reasons, the application has a unique word processor that allows you to enter your personal information and, if you make a mistake, you must press a Delete button to start over.  However, in fine print at the bottom of the page you are reminded that this is a one shot deal and you forfeit the money if you chose to start over. 

You enter the information in the form but forget to add your middle name and you think this is important because your name is very common and you want to make sure the million dollar check won't be mistakenly sent to someone else.   You press the Delete button and receive the following message, "Are you sure?"

You look up at the top of the screen and read in big bold letters you see, "Do you want a million dollars?  You say to yourself, "Of course I want a million dollars!" and press the "YES" option.  The application responds with the message, "Ok, we will give the money to the next person who visits this website!"

In panic, you open a new web browser and enter the websites URL.  Darn!  Someone else had beat you to it and you are now one very unhappy customer!

WHAT TO CONSIDER:  The more likely it becomes to misinterpret a message, and the greater its ramifications when this occurs, the higher the Severity (and Priority) the defect will carry when the message becomes less clear.  In this particular case, the "Are you sure?" message is a Severity 1, Priority 1 defect.  Had the message been more clear and read, "Are you sure you want to delete?," there would have been no confusion and the customer would have simply submitted the form without further revision. 

LESSON TO LEARN:  Severity and Priority levels always depend on context.

Jeff Kurtz

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