Ad hoc Testing

What is the purpose of Ad Hoc Testing in Software Testing?

Questions by kpkannan2007

Showing Answers 1 - 15 of 15 Answers


  • Feb 18th, 2011

Ad Hoc testing is a type of testing where you don't have any schedules or written procedures. You will check the major functaionality and the scenarios which are more prone to errors.

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  • Feb 18th, 2011

Will act like a regression testing in a minimal time. You can select high priority test case or scenarios and can execute the same. If you dont have time for another execution cycle you can always go with Ad hoc testing.

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  • Feb 21st, 2011

We 'll do Adhoc testing when there is little time for thorough testing. Testing those areas which are having more probability of finding defects.(basing on our experience.)


we have leisure time in between builds then also we can go for adhoc testing to check for any defects.

We donot need any test cases to perform adhoc testing but based on our experience we choose those areas where probability of finding a defect is high.

Correct me , if i am wrong.

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  • Mar 10th, 2011

Adhoc testing is used to catchfind the software bugs in your experience or the way you test the application which helps in finding the bugsdefects.

Using adhoc testing we can find the bugs which has not been covered in our test scenariostest cases

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Ad hoc testing means to find out the bug after, you perfom all test according to your test cases and still there is some bugs remain so using Ad-hoc testing we find the uncover bugs and in ad hoc testing there is no such method for testing its a kind of blind testing.      

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  • Mar 17th, 2011

In general every company is planning to follow correct and complete procedure in testing but some times organizations can try to follow informal methods in testing due lack of time, risk, lack of knowledge of test engineers, lack of proper documents. In these conditions companies follows adhoc testing. There are different styles in adhoc testing such as buddy testing, pair testing, monkey testing, exploratory testing ....

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  • Mar 23rd, 2011

Generally every company is plans to follow complete and correct procedure in testing. But sometimes companies try to follow informal methods in testing due to lack of time, depends on risk, lack of knowledge, lack of documents, lack confidence, environment, seriousness. This type of informal method in testing can be called as adhoc testing.

There are different kinds in adhoc testing like buddy testing, monkey testing,pair testing,exploratory testing, iterative testing.

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In generally every Testing team is conducting optimal testing but sometimes testing is not able to conduct optimal due to risk in testing like time,resource,budget etc.,.
in dis situations testing team will follow Adhoc testing or also know as Informal testing.

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