Difference between database & Database Server?

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  • Mar 26th, 2006

a Database is a collection of related information that may not even involve computers at all. However, the database in the computer sense is stored on a disk and plays the role of an information repository.

A Database server is the process that makes the data in the database available to the outside world. Either through SQL or some other CLI the ability to retrieve, add, change and Delete data is realized. DB2, Oracle, SQLServer are all relational database servers.


a Database is a collection of related information that may not even involve computers at all. However, the database in the computer sense is stored on a disk and plays the role of an information repository.

A Database server is the process that makes the data in the database available to the outside world. Either through SQL or some other CLI the ability to retrieve, add, change and Delete data is realized. DB2, Oracle, SQLServer are all relational database servers.

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  • Mar 31st, 2006

Data Base:

It is a collection of data in well defined manner.

Database Server:

It is a process that maintain the database.

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A Database is a logically coheirent collection of information in a particular maner,which is related some aspect of real world,which is designed ,build,and populated the data for a specifis purpiose

                     But a Data base server is the passage of data ia a database in different location.Oracle,Sql etc are using this

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sanjay Bhargav

  • Apr 14th, 2006

A database is a collecton of table that contain information

and a data base is a collaction of program or softweare that control and help to maintain the database

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a Database is a collection of related information that may not even involve computers at all. However, the database in the computer sense is stored on a disk and plays the role of an information repository.

A Database server is the process that makes the data in the database available to the outside world. Either through SQL or some other CLI the ability to retrieve, add, change and Delete data is realized. DB2, Oracle, SQLServer are all relational database servers.

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  • May 10th, 2006


  In simple words databse is generic and database server is specific to computers.

 Database is collection of data in a defined manner.

Database sever is software that helps us to operate on the database


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Narasimha Arumugam

  • Oct 20th, 2011

Database is a repository of data and Server is the mediator between client and database to insert, modify and to Retrieve data against a query.

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  • Mar 2nd, 2012

database is called when one computer are not connected with each other and only data are stored in one computer that called database and when computer are connected with each other or particular server so we can access the data every computer its called database server

iriabije albert

  • Nov 6th, 2012

database is the collection of data in a well manner form

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  • Mar 5th, 2016

Database is used to store collection of data.
Database Server is collection of database stored separately.

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  • Apr 26th, 2016

Database Server -

Database server will have your one or more database hosted such as Oracle, Sql Server, MySql, etc.A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated.

Actually database also resides on a server and we call it as database server. A database server is more of a software component than a hardware component. It can provide database services to other programs residing in the same computer or any other network.

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