Drop a Table and its Child Tables from a database using Procedure
I need a procedure which takes input of the parent table name and in turn drops the table and its child tables from the DB.
Compare Between Period
Write SQL query to find the department (prompt from user (optional)) whose employees decreased in 1996 compared to 1995
Routines and Stored Procedure
Define Routine and Stored Procedure in MySQL database?
MySQL Operator
Which of the following is not a MySQL Operator?a. Between..and..,b. Like,c. IN,d. Is NULL
Users in MySQL
What are the different types of users available in MySQL?
Write a C/C++ program to add a user to MySQL.
The user should be permitted to only "SELECT" entries from the given database.
What resources did you use to do research for this project?
What development tools did you do use to complete the project?
How did you test & debug the project?
Why have you chosen to use the programming language used in the project? -
What are the link types for joins, =? What datasets result?
What are the link types for joins, =? What datasets result? I cannot find anything about these link types online or in Help.
PL/SQL Views and Cursors
What is better to use, Views or Cursors? Why?
MYSQL Interview Questions