Input Parameter
How do we pass default value as input parameter in a store procedure?
What is stored procedure?
A program running in the database that can take complex actions based on the inputs you send it. Using a stored procedure is faster than doing the same work on a client, because the program runs right inside the database server. Stored procedures are nomally written in PL/SQL or Java.
When would you use stored procedure or functions ?
Explain the scenario of the best usage
Difference between View and Stored Procedure
What is the difference between View and Stored Procedure? Can views accept input parameters as stored procedure? If yes,how could I do that? I am new to database and working on MS SQL,if someone could suggest me good reference websites then that would be great.
SQL-Transaction in Nested stored procedure
Can we use SQL-Transaction in Nested stored procedure(Stored procedure calling from stored procedure)?
One SQL-Transaction object in primary SP.
second SQL-Transaction object in nested Sp(Second Sp). -
Explain the usage of type record, with datatype of the records as associative array
type ty_1 is table of number index by plsql_integer;
type ty_2 is table of varchar2(10) index by plsql_integer;
type ty_3 is table of date index by plsql_integer;
TYPE rec_tab IS RECORD ( l_num ty_1, l_str ty_2, l_date ty_3);
Please explain this with an example having loops -
Authid Clause
What authid clause does in executing dynamic SQL?
Call Stored Procedure Dynamically
How do we call stored procedure dynamically?