CMMI : CMM consists of best practices for product development and maintainance.There are 3 important components in any organization1. People 2. Procedures and Methods 3.ToolsProcesses hold them together.The Quality of the product is highly influenced by the Quality of the processes used to develop and maintain it.Level 1:Initial:Adhoc?will have success, failures and badly missed deadlines.Level 2:Repetable:S/w processes are defined, documented, practiced and people are trained in them. Different Groups with in the same organization may follow different processesLevel 3:Defined:S/w Processes are consistent and known across the whole organization.Level 4:Managed:s/w Processes and results are measured quantitatively and processes are evaluated with this data.Level 5:Optimizing:continous process improvement. Experimenting with new methods and technologies.Problems with CMM: It is a goal; not a method
Mar 24th, 2006
7 KPA's in CMM level 2 are :
Requirement Management.
Project Planning.
Monitoring and control of project.
Supplier Agreement and Management.
Measurement and Analysis.
Process and Quality Assurance.
Configuration Management.
11 KPA's in CMM level 3 are :
Requirement Management for Development
Technical solutions.
Product Integration.
Organization Process focus.
Organization Process defination.
Organization Process training.
Integrated Project Management.
Risk Management.
Decision analysis and Resolution.
Apr 8th, 2006
its awesome information mite ... it was really useful ......i was searching out in the site for 2 days for proper explanation but i aint got it yet ......found ur information apt for my need ..thanks alot mite ..keep going ..all the best
krishna Geete
May 1st, 2006
Capability Maturity Model:
Venkat Viswanathan
Jul 31st, 2006
A model for measuring the software development process of an organization, developed by SEI -?Software Engineering Institute?
It is a model that companies can use to measure the maturity of their process.
It is a model of 5 levels of organizational ?maturity? that determine effectiveness in delivering quality software.
What is the CMM Level , how many CMM Level's are there,Explain all the CMM Levels?
Questions by srirajesh81 answers by srirajesh81