In the following which test will be performed early??1)MONKEY TESTING2)SYSTEM TESTING3)UNIT TESTING4)USER ACEPTANCE

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  • Aug 2nd, 2006

Unit testing is preceded by System testing and then UAT, Generally monkey testing/ random testing (adhoc testing) is done due to lack of time and hence test engg jumps across multiple screens and scenarios,

I believe Monkey testing is done 1st then system testing and then UAT..

Please verify the same.



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Unit testing.

It is the part of white box testing technique.This testing will be done when the aplication is at the unit level(means after the programmers completed coding to physically convert the design).After unit testing,integration testing follows.Then functional & system testing.Then User acceptence testing.Then installation testing.Then port testing.Then aplication will be released to production.this is general way.but the approach we follow depends on the SDLC model used in the project.

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  • Aug 7th, 2006


monkey testing: here say we "n" number of modules to b tested..

we pick up diffrent madules in a randomly way and testing is done.

Unit testing: as the name one module is tested at one particular time

System testing : this is the most important kind of testing

here the whole application is tested for bugs..suppose this is done

many times then it is called as regression testing.


* monkey testing is also calles as adhoc or gorilla testing

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  • Aug 7th, 2006

first will be

1) unit testing

2) monkey testing-lack of time

3)system testing

4)user acceptance

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The question is very vague would like to confirm what the phrase "performed early" means... does the ask about the precedency of the tests performed OR does it mean by performing which of the tests the testing process would be completed.

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  • Aug 8th, 2006

1. unit testing.

2. intergration testing.

3. system testing.

4. uat testing

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  • Aug 14th, 2006

FirsUnit testing

then system testing then UAT (user acceptance testing)

No monkey testing, b'coz monekey testing is a automated testing

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  • Dec 5th, 2006

Unit testing will be done primarly and then the system testing will be performed followed by the UAT.

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