What is the importance of ADDRSPC parameter in EXEC statement and how is it different from REGION parameter of EXEC statement?

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  • Mar 19th, 2006

The REGION parameter requests storage for individual steps.The ADDRSPC parameter prevents the step from being paged. The default is ADDRSPC=VIRT which allows it to be paged. If set to ADDRSPC=REAL, the step will be locked into real storage during the execution. REAL is only required for programs that are time dependent and those that dynamically modify channel programs during I/O operations. If used, it has an adverse effect on the system's performance.


  • Apr 8th, 2006

  See the addrspc parameter specify wheter the job is using virtual memory or real memory at the time executing , but deafultly its virtual memory. 

Region paramater indicates the job is using some amount  memory  for execute the job, if job needs more than , what we have spicefied in REGION parametr than its gives s804 ERROR OR S822 ERROR.


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  • Apr 17th, 2006


ADDRSPC: this parameter specifies whether your job should use the Virtual memory or the Real memory when executing.

Advantage of Virtual memory is , the Job can be paged. Virtual is Default.

Region:- Region parameter allocates the specified memory in the Real storage or Virtual storage as mentioned in the ADDRSPC parameter.

If they are coded in the EXEC statement , then they are applicable only for that step.

If coded both on job and exec then Job overrides Exec.

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