OS, OOPS - Technical Interview Questions

1. What is OS?
2. What is Data Structures?
3. What is the function of OS?
3. Tell about oops concept?
4. State differences between C++ & Java?
7. Write a program to count the number of occurrences 'accenture' in a file?

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers


  • Jun 7th, 2006

4)OOP concepts are Data Abstraction: Abstrastraction of data from the collection of large amount of data.ex: Person driving a car must know how drive and no need to know all details of manufactuer its part. Encapsulation: Hiding of some informations by using Access Specifier(Private,Protected,Public)ex: In any software company Project Manager(PM) has full control over the project where as Project Leader(PL) has some control less than(PM).same way Project Member automatically have less control/access on the project.Inheritance: Deriving information from already existing one.ex: A grand son derive some characters from his father and father in turn derive some characters from grand father.Polymorphism:Ability to take more than one form.ex: + operator gives sum of two numbers if its operands are numbers.it also used 2 concatenate two string if the operands are string. Dynamic Binding:Association of data to object.


  • Jan 16th, 2010

1. What is OS?
Ans: OS(OperatingSystem) acts as an interface between the user and the machine(CPU),since the user can't directly CPU because its coding are in non-readable format to the humans.

2. What is Data Structures?
Ans: Data structures providesa relationship of the data's and specifies how it has been linked to other data's.

3. What is the function of OS?
1. Acts as an user interface betwwen user and machine(CPU)
2. Controls the overall performance of the system(hardware and software).

Tell about OOPS concept?
1. Everything is embedded in a class
2. It consider's each variable as an object
3. It's otherwise called as bottomup approach
4. It allows the programmer to insert or delete the variable inbetween the codes
5. It encapsulates the data and objects directly so it provides security for accessing the data's

State differences between C++ & Java?
1. Java is a platform independent language
2. Java avoids pointer technique
3. Java is also used to develope web oriented applications


  • Aug 18th, 2011

OS-Operating System
OS is a software program that act as a interface between Computer Hardware and the User

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