1. What is the difference between the stock transfer between two plants belonging to same company code and those belonging to different company code?2. What are the fields in Purchasing view?3. What are the steps in automatic account assignment config.4. How do you create movement types? What are the steps involved? When will you recommend a new movement type?5. What is meant by access sequence? When it is used?6. How does the PO pick up the pricing schema?7. What are the steps involved in creating a pricing procedure?8. What are the types of special stocks available?9. What are the types of inforecords?10. What is meant by consignment stock?11. What are the steps involved in consignment cycle?12. Tell me about the subcontracting cycle.13. How is scrap accounted in subcontracting?14. How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting?15. Tell me about the various movement types and usage.16. What is meant by scales? Can scales be used in standard purchase order?17. What is the difference between a contract and a scheduling agreement?18. How does the system calculate taxes?19. How does the system calculate nondeductible taxes?20. What is meant by batches? How can the batches be searched?21. How is a shelf-life item managed in SAP? What is the full cycle?22. What are the settings required for quota arrangement?23. What is meant by MRP Type and lot sizing?24. Can it be configured in such a way that the external requisitions can also be taken into account while MRP runs in consumption-based planning if VB is selected as MRP type?25. What is a reference purchase organization? When can it be used?26. Explain the concept of split valuation and when can it be used? What are the settings required?27. What are valuation area, valuation category and valuation class?28. What is meant by a credit memo?29. How are free items managed in a PO?30. What is meant by a release strategy?31. What are release groups and release codes?32. What are the differences between release procedure with classification and release procedure without classification? When are they used?32. Is it possible to have a release procedure without classification for a PO?33. What is the maximum number of levels available in SAP?35. Is it possible to have scales in a quotation?36. What is GR blocked stock? When it can be used?37. What is the movement type for return to vendor? How to reverse it?38. How are the variations in subcontracting taken care of in SAP?39. What are the tools available for data migration in SAP?40. What is LSMW?41. What is the difference between LSMW and CATT?42. How to give specifications for developments?43. How do you plan for a vendor rating system and move about?44. What is RTP?45. What is the movement type used in receipt of RTP?46. How is an item with serial no. managed?47. How do you make variants?48. What are the types of tables in SAP?49. How to inventory excise duty in SAP?50. What are the documents generated in the MIGO 101 movement type? What are the accounts hit?

Showing Answers 1 - 29 of 29 Answers

Sarvottam Darshan

  • Feb 22nd, 2006

A stock transfer from plant to plant generally takes place within a company code. It can, however, also take place between two company codes, if the plants are assigned to different valuation areas, which belong to different company codes.

Unlike a stock transfer from storage location to storage location, a stock transfer from plant to plant affects both accounting and Materials Planning, as follows:

  • Accounting

Accounting is affected if both plants are assigned to different valuation areas. This means that a stock transfer leads not only to a quantity update but also to a value update (stock value, G/L accounts). Thus, parallel to the material document for stock transfer, an accounting document is created.

  • Materials Planning

Materials Planning is affected because a change of plant stock is taken into account by Materials Planning.

Roshan Anand

  • Mar 4th, 2006

Hi I want the answer of this question


  • Jun 19th, 2006


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Govind Killa

  • Aug 23rd, 2006

Each condition type has an access sequence assigned to it, which determines as to which table/s to access for data and in what order (Priority).

Govind Killa

  • Aug 31st, 2006

The stock transfer from one plant to another belonging to same company code is same as that of belonging to different company code functionally.

In both the types of transfers, there will be a material document generated which will update the qty in both the plants in the respective storage location.

Accounting document generation will depend on the valuation level of the material. If the materials are being valuated at company level and it is being transferred from one plant to another belonging to the same company code, no accounting entry is generated. However, if the valuation is being done at plant level, the accounting document will be generated in both the cases.

Govind Killa

  • Aug 31st, 2006

What are the fields in purchasing view?

- RFQ/Quotation

- Purchase requisition

- Purchase order

- Master data (Info record, Source list, Conditions, Vendors etc.)

- Outline agreements


How do you create movement types? What are the steps involved? When will you recommend a new movement type?

A movement type can be created using T code OMJJ. Copying an existing movement type and modifying the field contents can create a new movement type.

The SAP system is delivered with some pre-defined movement types from 100 to 899. 900 onwards can be used for customized movement types.


What is meant by access sequence? When it is used?

Condition type has an access sequence assigned to it which determines which tables to access for data and in what sequence. This has a sequence of table based on the most specific to most generic.

It can be used for any new condition type creation.


How does the PO pick up the pricing schema?

The pricing procedure assigned to a vendor has a calculation schema attached to it. This schema defines the various conditions? pre-requisite, calculation & sequence in the PO. Generally, only one type of pricing procedure is followed for all the vendors.


What are the types of special stocks available?

- Consignment stock - vendor

- Components provided to vendor

- Project stock

- Consignment stock ? customer

- Pipeline material

- Orders on hand


What are the types of inforecords?

- Standard

- Pipeline

- Consignment

- Subcontracting


What is meant by consignment stock?

Consignment stock is the material which is lying in the premises but is not owned by the company. It has no value assigned to it until it is taken into own stock. Once it is used in production or to be sold, it is taken into own stock.


What are the steps involved in consignment cycle?

Consignment cycle is similar to a standard purchase cycle. The difference it that no accounting document is created at the time of goods receipts only qty is updated.

It is settled once the same is utilized.


Tell me about the subcontracting cycle.

When the material is sent for subcontracting i.e. some value addition, it is converted into a different material. It needs a BOM to define the components of the finished item being received.


How is scrap accounted in subcontracting?

The scrap or the process loss can be adjusted while doing a quality inspection of the material received after subcontracting.


How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting?

By products can be taken care of by defining them in the BOM


Tell me about the various movement types and usage.

101 ? GR in unrest. use

103 ? GR in Blocked stock

105 ? Release from Block to Unrest. use stock.

122 ? Return to vendor from unrest. use stock.

124 ? Return to vendor from blocked stock

301 - Plant to Plant tfr.

309 ? Material to Material tfr.

311 ? Tfr. from stg loc to stg loc

261 ? Issue for consumption.

411 ? Taking consignment stock into own stock.

551 ? Withdrawal for scrapping.



What is the difference between a contract and a scheduling agreement?

A scheduling agreement can be made for Consignment, Subcontracting & stock transfer. A contract, also known as a blanket PO, can be made for standard items and can be restricted to a Value or Qty.


How does the system calculate taxes?

Based on the calculation schema of that condition & based on access sequence assigned to it.

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  • Oct 4th, 2006

purchasing group,order unit,gr prossing time,automatic po,sourse list,quotation,del tollarence(varience)


  • Sep 4th, 2007

Access sequence is a searching tool which searches for a valid condition record of a condition type in a condition table to determine the price.

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  • Dec 19th, 2007

A stock transfer from plant to plant generally takes place within a company code. It can, however, also take place between two company codes, if the plants are assigned to different valuation areas, which belong to different company codes.Unlike a stock transfer from storage location to storage location, a stock transfer from plant to plant affects both accounting and Materials Planning, as follows:

  • Accounting
Accounting is affected if both plants are assigned to different valuation areas. This means that a stock transfer leads not only to a quantity update but also to a value update (stock value, G/L accounts). Thus, parallel to the material document for stock transfer, an accounting document is created.
  • Materials Planning
Materials Planning is affected because a change of plant stock is taken into account by Materials Planning.

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  • May 20th, 2008

#2   what are the field in purchasing view?

In purchasing view following filds are there:

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  • Jul 14th, 2008

A access sequence access a condition record of a condition
type in a condition table is a condition technique. used in
defining pricing

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  • Nov 27th, 2008

What is the difference between a contract and a scheduling agreement?
The main difference is the very purpose they are used for. A contract with a vendor can be to supply certain qauntity of a material over a period of time and or devided into some number of shipments.  The date and time of the supply may not be fixed or rigid. Whereas in scheduling agreement the vendor is provided with delivery schedule conatining essentially date, time and location of supply. Adherence to this schedule by the vendor is of utmost importance since it can hamper the production. Schedulling agreement is very commonly used in auto industry where maintenance of huge components inventory is not feassible. The contratcs are usefull where a retailers like Walmart in North America have contracts with different producers spread over the world to supply certain goods relatively regular basis but can contain single or more shipments of the same products.


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  • Aug 11th, 2009

RE: 1. What is the difference between the stock transfer between two plants belonging to same company code and those belonging to different company code?

Answer: If the Stock Transfer takes Place between two Plants of Different Company code then an Accounting Document, along with a Material Document will be Generated, if it is in Between two plants of same company code, then Only material document will be generated.

Access sequence is a search engine which searches for records from condition table. System sees condition type then looks for access sequence and then it searches for condition records. It thus, serves as a linkage between condition type and table.

It searches from more specific to generic. For eg. we have a condition type PB00, it will search from contract (most specific) then it will move furthur to info record till material master. Thus, it is used to get access to condition type which inturn is used for pricing procedure determination.

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Consignment is a business arrangement in which you order material from vendor and keep it in your premises and you are liable to the vendor as per the consumption i.e. you pay to the vendor as you consume the stock in your business.

In SAP, consignment stock is present in your storage location as vendor consignment and as you consume it you need to do transfer posting from vendor consignment within your storage location to your storage location. The movement type used for it is 411 K.

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In automatic account assignment configuration, we first of all group together our valuation areas i.e. plants via a valuation grouping code.

In the next step, we define valuation class in which we assign one account reference category to various valuation class of same material type. Then we link account reference category to the respective material type. Account reference category thus, acts as an intermediary between valuation class and material type. 

We can also define account grouping for movement types. For each movement type there will be a posting string and transaction event key (internal processing key) which helps in account determination. There is also account modifier which affects which G/L account to be hit depending on the business scenario. It is used only for offsetting entries, consignment liabilities and price differences.

We now go for configuration of automatic account postings where we maintain FI configuration. In this step, we enter the system settings for inventory management and invoice verification transactions for automatic postings to G/L accounts. The system based on valuation grouping code and valuation class determines in which accounts to do the posting.

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  • Jul 15th, 2010

Sub Contracting Process :
(1) You have a material (Finished Goods) that can be procured externally, and you have maintained BOM (CS01) with components (Raw Materials). Any waste generated and received during subcontracting process can be maintained as component with negative quantity in the BOM.

(2) You create a subcontracting PO (ME21N, Item Category L). Maintain Purchase Info Record for Subcontract category for material and subcontractor.

(3) You make a transfer posting to issue components for SC PO(In ME2O directly or by MB1B with 541 Movement type). Material is sent to subcontractor. As material remains under your ownership, system does not make any value entry. But quantity is shown as "Material Provided to Vendor" .So no accounting document generated by supplying raw material to Sub Contracting Vendor.

(4) You receive (MIGO) finished material against SC-PO. You also specify components consumed in manufacturing of finished goods. Additionally, if you have negative components in BOM, now you'll also receive subcontracting by-products.

(5) Invoice Verification (MIRO) for SC Invoice.

(6) Payment in F-53

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