What is your approach or how do you start Testing an Webapplication

Questions by kiranbtech01

Showing Answers 1 - 28 of 28 Answers


  • Feb 28th, 2006

The first thing u need is to go through the specification and without using the specification u are just playing with the application.So specification is the main interface to the for any software to be tested

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  • Mar 6th, 2006


We need to have the document(s)/specification(s) so that we can start testing the web application.

Make sure that the application(local) server is up.Than give the required url in IE address bar.And start testing the application right from the login screen.

Hoping that this would help u.

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  • Mar 13th, 2006

plz give the clear idea about web based application testing

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  • May 4th, 2006

Are you people are really giving proper answers to the questions posted on this site?Try to give some good explanation to the questions,otherwise new users to this site will follow those answers blindly.

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  • Jun 28th, 2006

Web Testing is concerned,
1. We have to go through the specification which also contain psd files for design.
2. Test the layout with respect to the psd files
3. check for broken links/orphan links
4. check the functionality if anything avaiable on the application
5. Browser compatability should be check in all popular browsers like IE, Mozilla, Opera, Safari, Avant, etc
6. HTML & CSS validaiton
7. check for the performance by using any automation tool ( without automation tool, we cant measure the site performance)
Hope you get a clear picture.

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  • Aug 2nd, 2006

Can you explain me about the psd files?

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Mr Rao. Fair comment ( but just try and answer the question yourself rather than just dissing other people who try to help).To start with try and split your test cases into 4 basic distinct groups1) look and feel - cosmetics - are the colours and logos correct, grammar and spelling, do frames bleed into one another i.e. does content overlap other content, that kind of stuff2) functionality - does the website do what the customer wants3) navigation - broken links etc and do the links actually take you to where you want to go.4) negative testingFor e- commerce sites the check calculations, are things in 'your basket' correct, check on transactions and cofirmation emails ( not your problem to set up - that's what infrastructure is all about, just your job to check ).This is all basic stuff BUT if your company is worth anything at all they will definitely help you out, after all is there reputation/money that's on the line not your's.

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  • Apr 27th, 2007

Psd files: Adobe PhotoShop files are saved as psd(extension) files by default.

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  • May 7th, 2007

First refer to the SRS document. Accordingly we need to chalk out the plan. Generally we are doing functional, navigation, core and secondary, usability and compatibility testing. Core and secondary is the part of functional testing. for compatibility we are using automated tool.

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  • Jul 17th, 2007

psd files are those file which has complete design of website. During design testing we have to compare web pages with those psd file.
I hope it will clear your concept.

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Web application: A 3-tier application is an application program that
is organized into three major parts each of which is distributed to a different
place or places in a network. The three parts are:

-> The workstation or presentation interface

-> The business logic

-> The database and programming related to managing it


1. Req review and start writting the test cases
2. Start testing by receiving the build for testing

   -> Smoke testing
   -> Functional testing
   -> Security testing
   -> Usability Testing
   -> GUI testing
   -> Compatibility testing
   -> Path, links testing
   -> Alpha and Beta Testing
   -> UAT testing



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  • Apr 19th, 2009

I would not look at any requirements.

I would smoke test the application for the basic functionality.(irrespective of client- server or web application.
Next step would be compatibility testing.
then check for the links. 

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  • Oct 30th, 2009

I can share my work criteria, How we start Web Application Testing. After going thru specifications we divide our testing under following heads:

User Interface
Serverside Interface
Security Performance.
Hope this will help, rest we modify these steps as per time frame. If any changes please respond.

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Before doing web application testing, tester should go through requirement
specification document etc.

By using SRS, test case document you should start testing of web application.

While doing web application testing you should concentrate on:

Functionality Testing-Here you have to test overall functionality of
the application.

Usability Test-Testing of whether the application's UI is fit to use
for customer or not.

Compatibility Test-Testing of the application on different browsers.

Performance testing-testing of the application's response time, how
application responses or performance millions of instruction per second, under
this testing you should test load and stress testing of the application.

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Follow these steps to prepare yourself for testing a web application:

1) Learn as much about the web application as possible before authoring test cases.  Read and understand the applicable documentation:

   a) Business/Functional Requirements Document (BRD/FRD): describes how the application is to be used.
   b) Technical Specifications: provides the technical parameters of the application.
   c) Wireframes or Mock-ups: provides a visual representation of the application.
   d) Work-flow diagrams: provides a graphical representation of how users will complete various tasks.

2) Estimate the amount of time will be required to create a test plan, author test cases, map requirements, verify that the test tools and test environment are properly set up, and execute test cases.

3) Identify all of the operating systems and browsers that will be tested and create a compatibility matrix that will be used to define how test cases will be executed under each OS/browser combination.

4) Create a test plan and submit it to vital stakeholders for feedback.

5) Finalize test plan and place it on share to make it readily available to all relevant parties.

6) Author test cases, making sure all functionalities and specifications are covered.

7) Set priorities on all test cases.

8) Map test cases to requirements, making sure all requirements are accounted for.  If a requirement does not have test case(s), the reason(s) should be called out.

9) Coordinate with all relevant parties to ensure that the test tools and test environment are ready for testing. 

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  • Apr 8th, 2010

The Major part of Web application is to test GUI Testing. Here a checklist can help the testers to check the GUI Screens

1. Windows compliance Standards
2. Testers Screen validation Checklists
3. Validation Testing - Standard Actions
4. Origin & Inspiration

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  • Nov 5th, 2014

1. Have to decide on which browser and its version the product has to be certified(X - Browser, X - Platform) 

2. Testers should know whether the new functionality or changes/Add On in existing functionality to be Tested 

3. Testers should have clarity on Functional Document given and on client expectation 

4. Should have Knowledge on GUI Standards of Web Application 

5. Should have knowledge on Usability Standards of Web Application 

6. Should have knowledge on the Client Environment and Resolution Cheers!! Vijayaraj

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