How do you test whether the database is updated as and when an information are added in the front end?Give me an example?

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  • Feb 6th, 2006

using sql commnd we check the database.

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Vijay Rentala

  • Apr 11th, 2006


It depends on what level of testing you are doing.When you want to save something from front end obviously, it has to store somewhere in the database

You will need to find out the relevant tables involved in saving the records.Data Mapping from front end to the tables.Then enter the data from front end and save. Go to database, fire queries to get the same date from the back end.

Hope this helps.



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dilip sharma

  • Apr 11th, 2006

It obious when we enter any data from front end is  it will store in Database

there are 2 ways to check that

  1. Using SQL command and query
  2. But in organization some tool (e.g. TOAD) is use it provide a interface to DATABASE  .By toad u can view the data & table.

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  • Apr 1st, 2007

1.When an Information is added to the Front end.

Use Insert querry to add data to the Table.

write : commit;

Now you check the inserted data is there or not.

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  • Jun 12th, 2007


It is not the job of tester to write the insert statement. Actually it should be written in the frontend code. The job of tester is to check whether the data is inserted in the database and it can be done by select query


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  • May 17th, 2008

I belive the job of tester is only to chk that all the DDL and DML commands are executing in the desired manner and giving the expected reuslt or not

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  • Dec 16th, 2009

1. Enter the required input to complete the transaction or process so that the data or information updated into back end tables.

2. Note the Transaction number, or date/time stamp during which you have entered the data/info.

3. Understand or get the table name/doman from the Technical  specs that in which table the specific info entered in the GUI/CUI will save in  table/domain.

4. Either using PL/SQL or Toad or Query Analizer to strike with select query for the specific data/info you have entered from the front end GUI or CUI screen.

5. Cross check with the Transaction Data/stamp with the Transaction Updated date stamp in the Back end table.


5. cross check that the Same data is saved in Back end tables/database.

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Depending on the information you are validating, you can check using simple or complex queries in the Query Editor of the SQL Management Studio  There are a few things you may wish to consider when testing whether the database is updating properly:

1) validate data exists in proper table
2) validate the datetime associated with the record is proper
3) validate that data type is appropriate for its functionality
4) validate that constraint is applied on the data
5) validate the update properly triggers an event if applicable

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