What do mean by Test Environment?Why we need Test Environment during Testing?How many types of Environments are there during Testing period?

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Test Environment will be well defined in your testplan.

let us assume your application has to be tested on win2k sp-4 or winxp sp-2 or some other environment.

what do you want to test you should know?

Testplan is the bible for a tester:

it should be showing everything so that you can thoroughtly test your application.

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  • Oct 12th, 2006

Test Environment is the collection of defined hardware and software components with appropriate configuration settings that are necessary to validate the application under test. System testing should not take place in actual live/production environment as it is very costly and not feasible. Test Environment is necessary so as to replicate/simulate the actual live/production environment as close as possible where the application is finally put into use.Usually testing is carried out in (a) System test environment (b) Integration test environment- Nandagopan.

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1. Test Environment is an Isolated environment in which the code developed by the dev team is installed. This environment is similar to that of the clients environment where we have the software and hardware configurations as close as possible to mimic the clients environment. 

We have this kind of environment as to make double sure that the product which is developed and tested on our side works flawless and bug free at the client end where it matters the most.
2. We need a separate isolated environment called Test environment different to that of developers environment to check check the build in a isolated state. When we do testing on the same environment that of the developers, there may be some instances where an end-to-end flow may get through/pass. But on an isolated environment, there may be something like the .lib files or some other files may miss. These can be caught and can be tracked only when we have a different environment.
3. During the testing period we can have - 
a. A central Testing environment. 
b. We can also have a stand alone environment where we can share the environment with developer. this would be helpful if the organization follows AGILE kind of testing methodology.
c. Stand by environment - This is only in case where the current environment gets corrupted due to data issues. a quick stand by environment. (This environment is purely optional)

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