What is database testing and what we test in database testing

Questions by md_shamiullah

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Database testing is all about testing joins, views, inports and exports , testing the procedures, checking locks, indexing etc. Its not about testing the data in the database.

Usually database testing is performed by DBA.

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Anand Kulkarni

  • Jan 17th, 2006

Database testing involves some in depth knowledge of the given application and requires more defined plan of approach to test the data. Key issues include:

1) Data Integrity

2) Data Validity

3) Data Manipulation and updates

Tester must be aware of the database design concepts and implementation rules.


  • Apr 26th, 2006


Data bas testing basically include the following.
1)Data validity testing.
2)Data Integritity testing
3)Performance related to data base.
4)Testing of Procedure,triggers and functions.
for doing data validity testing you should be good in SQL queries
For data integrity testing you should know about referintial integrity and different constraint.
For performance related things you should have idea about the table structure and design.
for testing Procedure triggers and functions you should be able to understand the same.


  • May 8th, 2007

Hi Raghu,

The answer you gave is very useful,. but can you be a bit more elaborative as of to what extent do we need to work with indexes, cursors and how to test a SP with some examples if possible!!


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  • Jun 25th, 2010

Database Testing deals with the following:-
1) Testing the data in the Database for Feed/Flat File data based on the requirements by writing medium to complex queries using SELECT, INNER JOINS/OUTER JOINS, SUB QUERIES, Logical conditions, GROUP BY, AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS, etc.,

2) Validating the data when it is migrated within different database schema based on the transformation logic.

3) Datawarehouse Testing deals with validating the data when moving the data from one database(eg: DB2) to another database(eg: ORACLE).

All the above kinds of testing will come under database testing.

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