Can the activities of test case design be automated?

Editorial / Best Answer

Answered by: Rajesh

  • Aug 4th, 2005

As I know it, test case design is about formulating the steps to be carried out to verify something about the application under test. And this cannot be automated. 
IHowever, I agree that the process of putting the test results into the excel sheet can be automated. The test script can be enhanced to feed in required result into the result column of the excel sheet.

Showing Answers 1 - 7 of 7 Answers

shashidhar mahavadi

  • Jun 13th, 2005

Yes, the Test case design can be automated

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  • Jul 25th, 2005

how can testcase design can be automated

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  • Aug 4th, 2005

Yes, it can be automated by using the scripting fundamantals , like if the test cases are in the Excel sheet then whenever any steps in the test case is filed then can write a code to fill the proper columns and rows in the excel sheet. 
Test Case can be written runtime. 
Though, don't need to view the test result and write the test case manually.

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  • Aug 4th, 2005

As I know it, test case design is about formulating the steps to be carried out to verify something about the application under test. And this cannot be automated. 
IHowever, I agree that the process of putting the test results into the excel sheet can be automated. The test script can be enhanced to feed in required result into the result column of the excel sheet.

Mukesh Chauhan

  • Oct 21st, 2005

Yes,this can be done either developing some program that facilitate the user entering his test cases in the form of Gui based application from user end and stored its data in form of excel sheet in the backend.  Later by doing manual or through automation testing get updated. Example : Linking excel file by developing GUI based entery form using C/C++ or Data base package. It can save time as well as improve accuracy in writing test  case.


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  • Jul 21st, 2009

Yes test cases can be automated.
For example, test cases can be created and managed in QC. Test cases can be exported from Excel sheet to QC using a special addin.

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