What are the limitations of automating software testing?

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  • Apr 1st, 2005

You can achieve repeatability, but u need to develop a number of scripts which is a complex task. People are needed to develop scripts. If the software undergoes frequent changes u have to reprogram your scripts. 
If your application is a big one then only auomation is justified.

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  • May 3rd, 2005

Hard-to-create environments like ?out of memory?, ?invalid input/reply?, and ?corrupt registry entries? make applications behave poorly and existing automated tools can?t force these condition - they simply test your application in ?normal? environment and ignore the boundary conditions where many defects live. These tools are typically expensive and good for only one kind of testing: reliability, functionality, load/stress, etc. Further, when you test your application with conventional automated tools, there is a drain on the entire system because they are limited to testing the application _as part of_ an existing/overall system.

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  • Jun 6th, 2005

Hard-to-create environments like ?out of memory?, ?invalid input/reply?, and ?corrupt registry entries? make applications behave poorly and existing automated tools can?t force these condition - they simply test your application in ?normal? environment and ignore the boundary conditions where many defects live. These tools are typically expensive and good for only one kind of testing: reliability, functionality, load/stress, etc. Many of them require that you have access to the source code or work in ?clean? environments. Further, when you test your application with conventional automated tools, there is a drain on the entire system because they are limited to testing the application _as part of_ an existing/overall system. 
the problem of "cannot reproduce" is still prevalent with most automated test tools 

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