What Naming Convention have you followed while naming your Automated Test Scripts?

I relate the names of automated scripts to the Test Case Name/Id.

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers


  • Jan 4th, 2006

In winrunner there is no name convention. It just creates the folder of the file name.  Suppose if you create the test script and save it with    "addempoyee" then addempoyee folder will be created and folder doesnot have any convention. So in winrunner there is no file or script convention. 

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  • Feb 9th, 2006


      Here i am sending the following information abt the naming convertion of Srcipt....

 Test Script Naming

Whenever a test script is saved , it has to be given a  proper name .

Test type + Project Name + Version Number + Module name + Test script  Function .


For example:


Test type   = UAT


Project Name  =  MHE


Version  of the Project = 3.2


Module Name  =  Upload


Function  Name  = Excel_File


So the entire file name would be  UAT_MHE_3.2_Upload_Excel_File


With Regards,



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  • Jul 12th, 2010

The Naming Convention is based on the Auomation tool used. However the following point should be help for you.

1. No space between testcase names (Name_1 is valid not "Name 1 ")

2. From the absolute path, ensure name may not exceed 255 char , some of the tool will not allow this on open

3. For variable use the variable type as name prefixed - fRet - (flag),iCount (for int) sName for String

4. Like that use function nale with return type say function  sFunctionName()

5. Naming convention with Hungarian notation will be good

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