How would u manipulate the script so that when the test is run it takes a new login name?

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Nov 16th, 2005

External datatable can be used for the login name so that it takes a new login name whenever the test is run.

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  • Nov 18th, 2005

You can parameterize the values in the Gobal data table sheet, whatever the number of rows you enter in this data table will instruct QuickTest to run same number of new login name you've enter. 

sunil pandey

  • Nov 28th, 2005

The answer is very easy .you need to do only parameterize the login window object in object repository and there you need to specify datatable parameter name or else qtp specify default papramter name

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Deepak Kumar

  • Sep 30th, 2006

If you are looking for entering a different value only once everytime the script is run, then follow these steps:

1. Enter the list of sufficient number of login ids in the dtLocalsheet.

2. Do descriptive to read this list at run time and select any one id randaomnly at every run

3. Do descriptive to assign this id to the text field of the Login in the AUT.


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