Difference between Two tier architecture and Three tier architecture?

Editorial / Best Answer

Answered by: Karanjeet

  • Nov 22nd, 2005

Following are the tier types in a client server application:

a. 1 tier application:All the processing is done on one machines and number of clients are attached to this machine (mainframe applications)

b. 2 tier application: Clients and data base on different machines.Clients are thick clients i.e.  processing is done at client side.Application layer is on Clients.

c. 3 tier application.Client are partially thick.Apart from that there are two more layers application layer and database layer.

d. 4 tier application: Some clients may be totally non thick clients some clients may be partially thick and further there are 3 layers web layer, application layer and database layer.

Showing Answers 1 - 34 of 34 Answers


  • Oct 26th, 2005

Two-tier architecture is a client/server architecture , where a request to do some task is sent to the server and the server responds by performing the task.where as a three-tier or a multi tier architecture  has client, server and database. Where the client request is sent to the server and the server in turn sends the request to the database. The database sends back the information/data required to the server which inturn sends it to the client.


  • Nov 22nd, 2005

Following are the tier types in a client server application:

a. 1 tier application:All the processing is done on one machines and number of clients are attached to this machine (mainframe applications)

b. 2 tier application: Clients and data base on different machines.Clients are thick clients i.e.  processing is done at client side.Application layer is on Clients.

c. 3 tier application.Client are partially thick.Apart from that there are two more layers application layer and database layer.

d. 4 tier application: Some clients may be totally non thick clients some clients may be partially thick and further there are 3 layers web layer, application layer and database layer.

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  • Dec 4th, 2005

In a modern two-tier architecture, the server holds both the application and the data. The application resides on the server rather than the client, probably because the server will have more processing power and disk space than the PC.

In a three-tier architecture, the data and applications are split onto seperate servers, with the server-side distributed between a database server and an application server. The client is a front end, simply requesting and displaying data. Reason being that each server will be dedicated to processing either data or application requests, hence a more manageable system and less contention for resources will occur

Farhan Nasir

  • Feb 8th, 2006

Difference between One Tier Two tier and Three Programing


  • Mar 11th, 2006

why we use 3-tier architecture in web based application

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Ratnesh Chouhan

  • Mar 13th, 2006

Here is the ans.

Class Var: Those var. which are associated with the class. e.g. Static var. of any class are class var. They have same value for each object and only one copy of these var. is maitained for all the objects.

Class Myclass


                 Static int objectCounter;


In java they are initialized with the default value by the compiler and user can initialize them in static block,

Member Var: Those var. which are associated with each object and have different value and different copy for each object. e.g.

Class Myclass


        int i;


I hope u must have got the answer of ur que...

bye n have a nice day....!

Kajal Pancholi

  • Mar 16th, 2006


The difference between 2 tier and 3 tier are as follows:

1.In 2 tier there are only client and server at the other side in 3 tier there are client ,server and middle tier.

2. It's not good enough that your end-to-end performance be good, it's also important that those machines service requests quickly, which is where a two-tiered architecture fails (and which is why people came up with the idea of a three-tiered architecture in the first place). This is the difference between performance and scalability. 

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Dina Kristina

  • Mar 17th, 2006

Difference between Single tier, Two tier  and Three tier


  • Apr 19th, 2006


I got to know the major difference between 1-tier & n-tier system...


  • Aug 18th, 2006

1)First different is in the two tier process will be have the only client & the server

2)In this process any process many requests burden server,at the time server will be slowly

3)In the three tier process have in client and server middle have the middle tier have the application server be release the burden server.

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  • Sep 2nd, 2006

In one tier all the work is done on client side.

In 2 tier client sends the request to the sever and server will process the request and will send the result to the client.

In three tier there is one more tier included called as third tier. client sends the request to the middle tier and in turn middle tier will send the request to the sever . After processing server will send ans to middle tier and then middle tier to client.

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  • Sep 15th, 2006

Two- tier (client-server) Users access the database from their personal computer(client) over a network and the database sits on a separate computer (server) whereas

Three-tier(Client-Application server-server) Users access the database from their personal computer's (clients) through an application server,which is used for the application's processing requirements

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The major difference between the two is the requirement to scale an application out in a distributed environment.

Client server would be a requirement where the distributed is between the user and data store. All the business logic is in the client layer and data store is specifically used for data storage. This makes the application a tightly coupled application

when we talk about three tire or n tire you achieve the application distribution which means you can have processing of business logic being served from one layer another layer acts as data store, the other could be UI layer itself.  This allows application to have thin client and loosely couple application

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  • May 16th, 2007

Two tier basically comprise of Presentation and database layer wheresas in three tier these are segregated.

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vijay sahu

  • May 30th, 2007

 in two tier back-end is connected to front-end. Back_end can be any database application(sql,ms access,sql server etc.)
In three tier middle layer is also used to link both front and back-end

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  • Jun 18th, 2007

public class test
// class will allow all type of access specifier so we can access the variables according to the access speci (in and out of class)
int a;//default
private int b;
protected int c;
public int d;
void get()
//method will allow only private access speci not public,protected access specifier
int e; //local variable scope is inside the open and close curly braces
System.out.println("class varaibles : "+a+b+c+d+"  method varaibles"+e);

Ok take care
if you have any further clarification send mail

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  • Jul 16th, 2007

         Class variable is the variable which holds the instance of the class... but member variable is declared inside the class... using class variable v can call each method in the class where member variable is the part of the class definition

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Amol Bawane

  • Nov 13th, 2007

In Two tier, there is present only one client and another one is Server.But in three tier applications there are 3 layers.1.Presentation LAyer.2.Buisness layer.3.Service LAyer.
In three tier there is one client means User Interface,second is The functional modules that actually process data. This middle tier runs on a server and is often called the application server.And last third layer is Database server.

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Two tier architecture having three components at two layers. It was intended due to the limitation in the file sharing software engineering as in the file sharing system more than 12 users can not work together.

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Faheem akram

  • Dec 13th, 2011

Two- tier (client-server) Users access the database from their personal computer(client) over a network and the database sits on a separate computer (server) whereas

Three-tier(Client-Application server-server) Users access the database from their personal computers (clients) through an application server, which is used for the applications processing requirements.

The same procedure occure between 2 tier architecture and 3 tier architecture but their major difference is hat 3 tier contain middle tier that support the server side to send any type of information.

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  • Mar 16th, 2012

Class variables are the variables declared with the static modifier as a field of a class. These variables are created and initialized during the class loading itself and only one copy of such variables is shared among all the instances of the class. The objects only contain a reference to that single copy, so changes made on such variables using any object reference will be visible across all the object references. We normally use the name of the class to access such variables.

Member variables belong to a particular instance of a class and one copy of such a variable is created every time an object of the class is created. Since, all the instances keep their own copies of a member variable, so changes made using one object reference will be local to that reference only. Such variables can be used on an object reference only and not on a class name as member variables have no existence without the corresponding object. These variables are initialized just before the constructor is called.

Local variables are the variables declared locally inside a method definition or the variables which are defined as the parameters of a method. The scope of such a variable is limited to that method only. Local variables defined inside a method definition need to be initialized explicitly otherwise the code will throw a compile-time error.

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Manoj Kumar Chagantipati

  • Jun 12th, 2012

In Two tier there will be Presentation layer and Data base layer
Where as in Three tire there will be Presentation layer,Data access layer and Data base layer

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  • Nov 24th, 2012

If I am not wrong

Class variables are variables which we create inside a class.


Class member are the variables & function declared inside class.

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