Can anybody tell the difference between negative test case and negative testing. give one example how to write a negtive test case for a textbox which accepts only5 characters

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Hi Manoj,

This is very simple. Negative testing means you provide the negative data which is not supposed to be supported as per BRD.

As you mentioned about some five character entry. Try providing some special character along with the numbers and alphabets.

But remember this has to be strictly as per BRD.

hope it helps


  • Nov 9th, 2005

Hi manoj, Negative testing means to show that the software is not working,for that you have to enter invalid data & to test the software with distructive mind to fail it.

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  • Dec 23rd, 2005

Negative Testing


 Negative testing means, to enter negative data(invalid data ) and to test the application.


you ask 5 character only, so we give 6 character or numeric number or special character, the text box not accepted. that is called negative testing.

Negative Test Case

        Example to take the following negative cases

         case1: 6 character 

             case2: numeric number

             case3: special character

                 These 3 negative cases to enter and execute the application, that is caled negative testing.

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  • Dec 26th, 2005

Yes, Mahendra is correct.Neagative Test Cases means writting test cases with negative perception.i.e. In BDD we have that a Text box accepts only 10 charactes.Then for that field we write test cases by consisdering numbers,alphanumerics and special characters.Negative Testing means execution all these negative test case perceptions on that field of the AUT

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  • Jun 28th, 2007

Negative testing : Here testing is conducted to break the software. (i.e) test cases are prepared in such a manner that the  software  or application is not working fine.

Negative testcases : Testing the application for the datas that are not defined in the SRS document.

Say for example if the input data to be entered is a character type input so the negative testcases are :  testing the application for """ alphanumeric , numeric, all special characters.""""

if it is a mandatory field means left the field empty and fill other fields with positive data and click the appropriate button and then check whether it displays the error message or not.
This type of testing an application is known as negative testing

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  • Apr 15th, 2009

Hi Pattabiraman.A.C,

If you are going to check error message on mandatary field, then in this case how you are going to break the application as mentioned by you in the definition of negative testing?

As per my understanding, this should be mentioned in SRS.
Please clarify this?

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The negative test case is writing testcases for the negative teating that is the system must not accept the values.
For text box your rquirement is the system should accept 5 charecters.

The next test cases are

1. Less than 5 charecters
2. More than five charecters
3. Give numbers
4. Special charecters
5. Space
6. Null charecters.

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